Pee-popping and other fanfic stuff

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Now, when you first saw the chapter you probably were like "what the hell is pee popping?"
No? Okay, I'm glad you're as weird as I am.
And if you didn't get it, pee popping is also known as "popping the p" want me to demonstrate?
*clears throat*

"Harry are you okay?" i asked harry, looking into his luscious fluorescent green orbs.
"Yep" He said, popping the p. "What about you?"
"Yep" I answered him popping the p aswell. "Do you want pizza?"
"nope" he popped the p and his nose flared( what even?)
and so we lived happily ever after popping the pee's till we died.
tHe enD.
*drops mic*
Don't get me wrong, or do get me wrong I don't really care but, I'm gonna say this as honest as ever.
i hate fanfics and in my entire lifetime I've only read two. (A liam payne one and an Eminem one) and honestly the rest is just too clichéeee to my taste like ew bYe.
(But if you find a non cliché fanfic where the girl doesn't actually end up with the celebrity now that'd be good) seriously.

But About the other fanfic tortures; in the market we have the famous orbs.
Now you do know that orbs actually mean a sphere?
In other words, its a fucking circle. A MATHER FUCKEN CIRCLE.
Maybe But NO JUST BYE.

And please do tell me why is it that harry's eyes are fluorescent luscious malodorous ma luscious idek what the hell im saying -its-just-ious-at-the-end-makes-it-cool-green? Like puh lease it's okay to say just green. I SWEAR ITS NO CRIME.
Now you will tell me "BUT ITS NOT COOL TO ALWAYS REPEAT EYES1!1!111!!!!"
And I tell you? It'l be fcken fine to say it like okay but
Theres the word eyes too you know...

"Hi I'm kylee my parents died before I was born an-"
Oh look, I just removed your book from my library, kylee.

"Harry please let's take it slow"
"Okay kylee"
*chapter 2* kylee be riding harry like YEEEHAW.

"Harry adopted me,and told me to call him daddy"
How about bye?

I probs over reacted but oh LOOK I UPDATED *~*

Okay so I hope you just bleh idk

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