I hate humanity

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Ever felt like you can't stand any person because that's me 24/7 lol.

Okay not really it's just some things people do that makes me want to rip their skin apart sigh.

But yeah I have those days where I want to exit every chat room I'm in and delete all my contacts and social media and lock myself in my bedroom while listening to the rolling stones because THE STONES ARE LIFE OKAY.

And then you feel like talking really bad about people and so you just can't take it anymore so you just rant out everything to a friend and omg thats why i rarely have friends that stay for a long while, I'm just an annoying asshole lol.

No really, I am annoying, I cant stand still while talking, I jump a lot, speak loudly, jump on you and hug you out of nowhere and make really dirty jokes sometimes sigh please be my friend😂

I don't know this week has been deadly siiiigh
I have a philosophy test tomorrow wish me luck fam I'm gonna need it for physics too aye.

Short rant but aye fam 2k reads let's celebrate I love everyone of you, it has been an amazing year and yeah❤️

fab 🖖🏼🙆🏼

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