Back to school struggles

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We all know it's that damned time of the year again *millions of students sigh at once*
My classes don't start untill 28th but yo it's soon and I'm not THAT ready ugh okay, and I was like thinking about all the hardships I'll have to go through again, so here it goes;

1. School Uniforms
You see I was trying them on yesterday and I couldn't help but say: they suck
Like our skinny pants aren't even skinny??
Our sweapants could fit the whole school at once??
The blouses are just too shapeless?? Like it looks like I'm wearing a white paper bag?
Lol our jackets has like huge sleeves but the end of it is tight?? (I must say it's color is pretty awesome tho)

2. Having to deal with all the oblivious, idiotic, lame people.
Like please don't get me started on those 7th graders and ugh people in my class like if you ask me I probably like 15 person out of 90 idiotic 11th graders.
I just can't.

3. Having to deal with homework... And tests
Am I the only one not willing to get back to like studying three or four hours a day like no?

4. Sleeping early... and dragging yourself out of bed... Early in the morning..
Am I the only one with a messed up as hell sleep schedule??
Like I sleep at 5 am then I wake up at 2 pm and yeah?? Like I can't??

5. Sundays are depressing.. Again..
Like when you realize school is an everyday thing and that you actually have school on Monday and ugh

6. Dealing with teachers
We all have this teacher (or teachers) we can't stand, and like I probably like one and it's my english teacher because she's so cool lol shout out to her for being awesome.

7. Stressing out because sometimes school pushes it too far(?)
Like I don't get why but my school has this thing where they love making things so hard when they actually are easy.

8. Dealing with irrelevant school rules.
Like what do you mean I gotta tie my hair? No? It's one of those good hair days don't make me ruin it you wanker.
Or like this one time it was cold so I wore the school's oh so "skinny" pants and the principal pulled me over like I was going to class and he literally pulled me over to the side and was like "why are you wearing pants?"
and I was like "because it's cold(?)"
And then he said the stupidest thing "I know it's cold" and I was like "no you don't, you're wearing pants and unlike us, you don't have to deal with a skirt"
Like other than having to wear a uniform they tell us when to wear it LIKE WHO ARE YOU? IM THE ONE PAYING YOU HERE.

9. Dealing with bitchy girls... And boys
Do you ever feel like ???????
Or like what is your purpose here???

10. School supplies
Actually like the only thing I'll ever love about going back to school is those awesome school supplies like badass textbooks and erasers and all
But it's still a struggle having to choose from 2837372 awesome pencil sharpners only one. Lol

So yeah that was it, but I'm sure there's more, so, feel free to share your own school struggles so we can feel the pain together.
Also, don't forget to vote, and stay awesome.

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