Full-of-guilt fab

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//Picture a cute baby chick with a tiny useless knife. That's me//

//Also I'm working on a rant about expectations-my good fren sen rasasvada- -gave me the idea. But I sort of remembered this one time someone bought me water so//


I don't know about you, but I'm the type that feels really bad or guilty easily. So here's a list of moments where I felt bad, and it still haunts me.

1. That one time I was walking down the streets and a stranger was passing by and I didn't smile to them.

2. That one time at school I was running late and wanted to buy a bottle of water, and my classmate next to me already bought two so he gave me one. And I still feel bad, even though I know it's only just a bottle of water and it didn't cost him anything, but I just don't like it when someone buys me something-anything- // currently convincing my boyfriend that I don't want him to get me a birthday gift and I'm failing fml//

3. That one time on a date when my boyfriend didn't let me split the bill and like I know it's all nice that he pays and I know you'll probably call me ungrateful or something, but this is not how I was raised. Like I grew up in an environment where you give more than you take, and if someone gives you, you give them back twice as much. //God forbid if my grandfather finds out I'll be dead//

4. This one time at a bakery I pre-ordered croissants and waited for them. Meanwhile an old lady came and she wanted croissants too but selfish me already pre-ordered them all so she only got thyme flavored ones and ugh I felt bad and wanted to like give her half of mine or something but I was too shy to offer.

5. I also feel bad because I didn't cry when my grandfather died because I thought he was a terrible person. Turns out I was so much like him, and I would've loved him if I knew. (He loved collecting books, stamps, coins, and old lottery papers that had pretty paintings on them. I also inherited them, along with his eyes, and caracter)

6. I feel bad when I don't know what to reply to comments sometimes. Because I wanna show you that I care -I get so happy when I find out someone voted or left me a comment tbh, and I read every single one-


So that was it! I hope you enjoyed reading it.
What are the things that make you feel guilty? I'd love to know! Feel free to leave a comment talking about it, or sharing a moment where you were somewhat "rude" but instantly regretted it.


Stay amazing,
Fab xx

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