A historial moment in Lebanon + My first day

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7/1/2016 . Lebanon gained access to netflix.
So my fellow readers; netflix and chill?? *moon face emoji*
but, since we're oh so blessed with terribly slow wifi, I doubt it's gonna work.
However, we can always torrent and chill ;)))

*May Lebanese witness another historical day where electrecity will come 24/7 and have a president*
Lol nevermind this one will recquire a mircale.


Also today was my first day after winter break *cries*
So I had english first session and it passed okay. then there was math and I passed??? yay???
and then I had french and she informed us we have a writing test next thursday.
School's an every day thing I guess huh.

feel free to rant and stuff. how was your first day?? I'd love to know!!

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