Annoying things students say/do

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WADDUUP! now this is annoying things students say/do! and I hope you enjoy it; and happy friday!!

1.  The 'I don't know a thing' ones.

Don't you just hate it when you need a bit of help in a lesson or homework and you ask the student and they be like "I don't know!!"
But then they magically have the power to answer all the questions in class and get A's and become the top student and a mini Einstein.
Where you got that from? I guess you don't know either.

2. The 'Omg im gonna fail' ones.

These are relatable I guess, you probably know them/have them in your school, you have a test and you actually wrote nothing, while they just be crying around saying "I'M GONNA FAIL" but then they magically get an A+
How, just how.

3. I hate this subject it sucks.

YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IT? A LIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IT'S A LIEEEEEEEEEEEE because you've never been so happy in your life more than when you're in this class.

4. I hate this teacher.

OH LOOK MORE LIES!! Because here you are high-fiving this teacher and then oh what you just took a selfie with them??
Please hate me like you hate this teacher.

5. I don't study, It's for NERDS!

OH REALLY? HOW DO YOU PASS? oh and by the way, the 'I dont study' shiez is so last year so, you better be studying you got a future ahead of you.


Also don't you hate these girls that are like in fifth grade all crushing on seniors getting all dirty and stuff? or is it just my school that has them?
Because I feel like screaming "BIBLE" after handing them one, BECAUSE THEY NEED IT.

Okay that's all for now, it took me a while because I just got blank whenever I want to write something, but let's hope I can publish anything soon, also I am running out of ideas so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave a comment giving me any Idea to rant about, and you will a dedication for that, untill then,
Stay awesome.


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