The cafe

153 13 10

Would you like to know what really jingles my bells about wattpad?
How the app doesn't have the cafe.
Like, I loved the cafe because I met so many people thanks to it, and had so much fun. But I don't have the time to log in to wattpad on my computer anymore, due to studies and having to maintain other activites too. And it's like ugh, please wattpad. please. all I want for christmas is the cafe in the app.
It's like such an awesome section, and it really entertains me when I'm bored (the games) and the discussions are quite enjoyable.
So yeah.

This is such a short rant , but okay, I'm done with christmas exams #ThanksForPrayingForFab But my school's mean enough to send us this week and two days from the next one *cries*

Anyways, you can officially start asking me questions for my Q&A, leave me questions in the comments, message board, or private message.
I will film a video with my friend (she'll be in it hopefully) answering your questions!!!
(Weird questions are accepted)

Stay Fabulous, AND #AskFAB

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