Old Passion || .008

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    Ava stared ahead at the phone that was continuously ringing. Clearly, the Professor was trying to urgently get ahold of them, but Ava was scared to answer the phone. The last thing she wanted was for all of the blame to be shoved on her because her mind was already putting all of the blame on herself. Ava took a deep breath, forcing herself to walk straight over to the phone and she picked it up immediately. "Professor?" She asked as she continued to catch her breath.

        "What happened?" The Professor immediately asked. He had watched it go down at the last moment. He didn't see Martin attack Ava, didn't see Berlin pull him off of her. He was going to finally leave the hideout for an hour or so and he caught a glimpse of the camera. The camera showed Berlin beating someone. He didn't know exactly who, but he assumed when he saw Ava panicking that it had been Phoenix.

        "Berlin was protecting me." Ava immediately took up for him, afraid that the Professor would assume the angry man was the one who attacked first. "Phoenix was choking me and he pulled him off of me. His anger got the best of him." Ava knew it would, though. It was hard for Berlin to control his anger, and the stress of the heist was going to just make it worse. What Ava didn't know was that it wasn't just the heist that was causing his temper to be out of control lately.         

          "Okay." The Professor nodded, a tired sigh leaving his lips. He almost knew it was going to be trouble when he first put the three of them together. Andres was clearly attracted to Ava, but Sergio was still trying to figure out if it was just sexual or if he had real feelings for the woman. Martin was Ava's partner and he had a bit too much love for the woman. It was an unhealthy amount of love. And then there was Ava. Ava was very much comfortable with her fiancé, but she was just comfortable. She had always truly been in love with Andres, and even Andres himself knew that. Sergio had picked up on it immediately. He knew the moment they saw her at her apartment that she still seemed to carry the same feelings she once had for the man. They just didn't seem to fade no matter how long she spent away from him. "Helsinki will watch the hostages. Phoenix and Berlin both need to sleep. We need everyone's minds clear for the morning. " Ava nodded as she looked over at the two men. Martin was just now pulling himself off of the ground. His black eye was now busted and swollen. She hated seeing him like that but saying he deserved it was an understatement. "Oh, and Valencia?" Ava sighed, waiting for his comment.


         "If he ever touches you again or anyone else, he'll be joining the hostages' side." The Professor said it so calmly that you couldn't even tell the anger that was boiling in his own blood.

         "Goodnight, Professor." Ava just replied with those words, waiting for a goodnight back and then hanging the phone up. Ava turned to face the two men. Martin was walking up the stairs already, glancing down at Ava momentarily. He knew very well that he fucked up badly. That made two members of the group that had punched Martin in the face because of his actions toward his partner. Ava stopped directly in front of Berlin, but he immediately went to walk away. His eyes were heavy. He was exhausted and raging with anger still. Ava brought out a hand, grabbing Berlin's arm to stop him from walking off completely. Berlin looked straight at her hand on him but brought his eyes back to hers. "Thank you." Berlin didn't speak back for a moment. He just took a deep breath, relaxing finally. His adrenaline had been pumping so quickly that he thought he'd pass out.

              "He's lucky I didn't kill him."

            Ava cocked her head to the side a little and a frown pulled on her lips. She couldn't do this love triangle any longer. She was already fed up with it. Her eyes fell on his hands, her brows furrowing at all of the blood. "That can't be all of his blood. Did you cut your hand?" Ava grabbed ahold of his hand and pulled it up to examine it. He had indeed busted a small cut on his hand open. It was bleeding a lot more than she'd think it would. Ava looked towards the stairs, watching as Rio finally got to the bottom. "Professor said Helsinki should take over the hostages down here tonight. " Ava said to him, knowing he was coming to relieve her.          "Helsinki's asleep," Rio answered honestly. "I'm going to relieve you." Ava didn't take another second. She nodded, thanking him for taking over. Rio kept looking at Berlin's hands, curious as to what happened. He just assumed that his anger got the best of him and he lashed out which wasn't fully wrong. To some extent that was what happened plus a few extra key points.

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