First Wedding || .019

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             "I don't have any spare time to go to the party." Ava whined the words that left her mouth as she flipped through the anatomy book in her hands. She was young, only nineteen. She had just finished high school the year before and jumped straight into college, getting a head start with all of the college classes she'd taken while being a student. She had big dreams and ambition. Martin was away at a different college, and they were on a break of some sort at this time. The break was mutual, wanting to focus on studies before they settled into a more serious relationship with each other. 

            "It'll be an hour. Two at the most." Her roommate and close friend at the time practically begged her. "You need it." She stood up from her bed to walk over to Ava's bed. She plopped down beside of her, looking down at the anatomy book for a moment. "You really need it." She dragged out the words as she said them and reach a hand out to grab the anatomy book. "Look at you. I mean, have you even brushed your hair in a week?" Midterms were just about the corner and Ava had been stressing. Sure, she was smart, but she worked very hard to have the brains that she had. She wasn't gifted as some were. She studied her ass off to get where she was, and sometimes it drove her to madness. 

          "Like two days ago." Ava almost laughed at her own response and let out a sigh, giving in to her. She was definitely one to be pressured. She didn't have a strong backbone when it came to decisions that she wanted to make. She always struggled with that. Both of the girls looked at the door when someone knocked on it. Her friend practically jumped to the door while Ava grabbed the brush from her nightstand, tending to her hair finally. Her eyes stayed on the door still. The door opened to reveal Andres. He was dressed in a nice button up shirt with a pair of slacks. Ava's eyes widened at just the sight of him. 

         "Can I help you?" The friend asked at the obviously older man at their door. Andres looked from her, but snapped his eyes straight to Ava. She had a million questions running through her mind. She hadn't seen him in over two years again. How did he find her? Why was he there? No matter the answers, she was going to force herself not to allow him to get inside of her head and more importantly, her heart again. She collected herself the best she could and at this point both the friend and Andres were staring at her. 

         "Can you give us a second?" Ava asked as she stood up from the bed. Her friend looked at her with confusion but she nodded. She walked out of the dorm and Andres walked in, shutting the door behind him. He couldn't contain the huge grin that spread across his lips as he looked at Ava. He spread his arms out like he was deserving a hug. Ava stared at him with anger boiling in her blood. She stepped close to him, reaching a hand out and slapping him across the face. Andres quickly brought a hand up to his cheek from the sting, and Ava took a deep breath. 

           "Why the fuck are you here?" Ava snapped the words, her eyes cold with so much aggression. 

            "I'm getting married." Andres came out and said it immediately. The smirk on his lips was barely there now and it was clearly forced. Ava furrowed her eyebrows and the anger that she once was feeling flooded away and instead poured the sadness. 

              "Valencia!" Nairobi shouted at the woman that was finally, after hours, just now drifting off to sleep. Ava's eyes flew open and she shot up on the couch, reaching out for the gun that was sitting on the coffee table. "Tokyo's gone crazy. She has Berlin." Ava let out an annoyed huff, standing up from the couch immediately. She gave Nairobi a quick nod. She grabbed the gun off of the table and hurried out of the room, following after Nairobi. Nairobi led the two of them straight to the restrooms that she knew they'd be in. "Tokyo!" Nairobi called out behind the door, trying to twist the locked doorknob open. "Don't do anything stupid, Tokyo!" Nairobi was one of the best leaders they could have in the group. She was able to command in ways that no one else could, but she had a bit too much compassion and sometimes that didn't make for the best leader in a heist or even in the real world. Compassion only made it harder to make a decision, even if you knew that it'd be the best decision for your own well being. "What's going on in there?" Nairobi begged for an answer within the walls but Tokyo didn't answer. 

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