Matriarchy || .020

547 17 1

            Not even two hours had passed and Tokyo was out of the building. Berlin had served her to the police on a silver platter. Rio was devastated and put to sleep to give him time to calm down. The group was on different ends with this one. Some of them agreed that Tokyo needed to go. She was being reckless and that could jeopardize the whole plan. Then again, she could be so pissed off that she'd start rambling the whole plan to the police for a softer sentencing. 

           Ava stared out of the window, looking ahead at all of the police that were perched behind barracks, guarding themselves from any gunfire that might happen. There were always some of them on lookout, regardless of the time of day. She stepped out of view from the window before anyone could notice her there. The last thing they needed was for their to be a medical emergency for any of them. They were so close to getting out of there. They didn't need anymore distractions.

                   Ava furrowed her brows, hearing commotion from around the corner. She could hear Rio shouting. Immediately Ava hurried the the sight of the noise, seeing Rio at the top of the stairs. He was yelling at Berlin, and spilling the secret of the way they were leaving the Mint. Helsinki stepped over quickly just as Berlin's face fell into an annoyed glare. He grabbed Rio's jumpsuit, practically knocking him down to the ground. Rio fell silent after this. 

             The hostages were staring in fear, and some of the heist members were watching. They were more than exhausted. Their eyes were heavy and their heads were spinning. It was making all of them act out in ways that they usually wouldn't. Helsinki pulled Rio up like he was as light as a feather and pushed him forward. Berlin muttered a few words to Helsinki as he did this, but no one below the stairs heard what he said. Without hearing anything, Denver hurried up the stairs after them, and Phoenix quickly followed. He was already pissed about them kicking Tokyo out. It was the last thing he ever expected, even from Berlin. He was slowly getting to his breaking point.

            Ava looked over the hostages. She noticed the fear in their eyes. "Sit back down." She ordered them. One by one the hostages sat, and Ava made her way through them, going up to the top of the stairs. She could hear the ruckus from the others down the hall. The last thing she needed or wanted was for Berlin to make a permanent decision that would break the way she looked at him. If he hurt Rio, she couldn't imagine even looking at him the same way. "Helsinki, watch over them." She was going to stay put, but her curiosity was getting the best of her. She got a nod from Helsinki before she hurried down the hall after them. 

        "Berlin!" She called out his name, wishing for once that it'd be enough to stop him from making a terrible decision. Ava slowed down to a stop when she was right behind Denver and Phoenix. They were both at the top of some stairs, staring down at Berlin. Berlin was holding his gun with a shaky hand, pointing it at Rio. Rio was staring at him with tears in his eyes, almost sobbing. "What the fuck are you doing?" Ava snapped immediately at Berlin.

           His eyes snapped up to look at her for a moment, and for a moment he almost looked regretful. But just as quick as she noticed a hint of remorse, his eyes turned cold again. He stared back at the boy who was now crying and panicking. Ava had a soft spot for Rio. He was young, naïve, and he was very much in love with a woman who insists on being reckless most of the time. He was putting himself in a tough situation because he had a heart full of compassion, and Tokyo was his absolute weakness. Ava knew he'd risk everything for her, even his own life, and that's why she cared so deeply for the young boy. "Andres!" Ava shouted his real name which made a few of them look towards her. "If you shoot that gun you'll be the next one out of this building." Ava threatened. Nairobi hurried into sight, calling out for Berlin over and over again.

      "What the hell are you doing?" Nairobi called out, exasperated. She was mentally exhausted more than she was physically. It was driving her insane slowly. "I have your pain meds." She held up the pain medicine like it was a threat to Berlin. Berlin stared at her with an amused smile on his lips. Ava looked straight at Nairobi and her eyes narrowed. It was a threat and she hadn't broken one of the meds so she didn't take it as more than that. Phoenix and Denver were staring in anger at Berlin. For the first time, Denver and Phoenix were both thinking of the same thing; beating Berlin's ass.

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