The Governor .032

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         They betrayed them. Lisbon and Berlin had both been betrayed by Ava and by Sergio in the worst way possible, lying. Sex was one thing but the continuous lying from their part was the betrayal that really would find trouble for. Lisbon questioned it multiple times, asking about Sergio's feelings for Ava. Admittedly, she'd be broken if she knew there was anything romantic even just inside of Sergio's head for the woman, but he swore there was nothing. They didn't think of each other like that, and for the first two years, even the one where they were alone, he didn't think about her in that way. If he did, he wouldn't have brought Lisbon from across the world just to break her heart. But now, just about two and a half years later, they went against everything they said to the two of them. 

              Ava looked over at Sergio's naked body as he laid beside of her. They had only a sheet on. Her eyes shifted back to the ceiling, staring up at it in shock. Again, it was another heat of the moment thing they did, but this time, they couldn't just talk their way out of it. This time, it was going to have consequences, big ones. She knew that. "You need to go." Ava spoke up finally. She leaned up in the bed, grabbing her clothes from the side of her bed quickly. In the time she was putting on her clothes, Sergio was putting his back on. He finished buttoning his top but kept his eyes on her. He wanted to say something, but his mind was blank. He didn't know what to say. 

             "Goodnight." Sergio said. That was all he could come up with. For a genius like he was, he wasn't the best when it came to anything romantic. He wasn't a very romantic person. He could be awkward most of the time. Ava nodded her head slowly, her eyes wandering to meet his. She could feel her stomach twisting in a thousand knots when he looked at her. She didn't expect guilt as soon as it was over, but it was washing over her like an intense wave. 

             "Goodnight, Sergio." She responded quietly. Sergio left the room, trying to be as quiet as possible. The last thing he wanted was for someone to know that it was him in that room with Ava. If anyone heard anything, they'd probably assume that it was Berlin. He made it safely into his room and went straight to the shower that was connected. He couldn't have Lisbon touch him after what just happened. Just as he was stripping down, he remembered, he forgot his belt. He'd have to grab that in the morning before the heist began. As soon as Sergio left the room, Ava started a shower for herself. She almost was trying to wash off what happened between the two of them. 


               They were inside the bank. Ava walked alongside Tokyo and Nairobi in a hurry. She stepped inside the room where the Governor was staying. She looked so legit. If anyone on the outside looked at them, they looked like they worked for the military. The Professor was smart. He knew so many details that their detailed outfits would look legit. "We've been given orders to evacuate you, Governor." Ava spoke so directly that you couldn't tell the fear that she really felt. "Come with us." She demanded. 

               "I heard the orders; I'm not following them. " The Governor spoke. "I won't leave until everyone else is evacuated." Ava shared a glare with Tokyo and then with Nairobi. What a fucking hero. He wasn't going to leave until everyone else was safe. How heroic. It made the plan more complicated because they didn't expect his refusal, but the women were pretty good at improvising. They would get him to leave with them, no matter how they had to do it. "Please, have a seat." He motioned towards the chairs that were in front of his desk. Ava scanned the room, measuring up the men that were his security guards. She knew a lot about every single one of them. The Professor made sure that they knew this information because they could always use it as a weakness. He eyes stopped on Gandia. He stared at her with hard, cold eyes. She knew almost every single detail about him, down to his child's name. If any of them would be a problem, it'd be him. Berlin had thrown out the idea that we execute him from the start, but the Professor shot that down immediately. They weren't murderers. At least, right now they weren't murderers. 

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