08 ;; maknae - namkook.

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→ prompt : bangtan's golden maknae have been having passionate feelings towards the leader who stole his heart from the first glance itself, admiration turned into love but the maknae couldnt seem to gain courage to confess to the leader anytime soon. 

word count ; 1628

third p.o.v.

everybody knew about how much, jungkook applaud and favored the leader of Bangtan, they were always well aware that how much the maknae always not so subtly, fawned over the leader, but nobody the scenario behind the public's eyes is always catechized, a scandal here and there but none of them are authenticated by the label, it was either ship analysis or random website bloggers being part-time psychic readers. 

but, little did they knew that there was always something more than 'friendship' between the maknae and the leader, but mostly they were reigned by any other hot news or distracted, waved off so quickly. 


jungkook laid on his bedroom with his bambi orbs knitting, infuriatingly as he glared at the screen of his phone. "this is the nth website, and where are those?! why not!!" he groaned, before slouching on the bed, over the witty and petty reason, if he ever talks about this to anyone then, people...hence, namjoon himself would probably giggle out at the impish and childish act. 

"god, im gonna sue every fanfiction writers...where is mine and joon hyung?!" he growled with a slight whine, lingered on his melodious chimming voice. "jungkook-ah, the dinner is ready...come down!" he huffed at seokjin's yellings, before trotting downstairs with an adamant demeanor. he slumped on the tool with the same frown on his face, "what happened? facing problems in masturba—" 

"jin hyung!" he grunted, the elder laughed it off. "just kidding," he mumbled as he placed the tray of takeout food on the dining table, "taehyung-ah, jimin-ah! come downstairs, or else you guys have to starve tonight!" he called out the other members who were remained at the house, since the rapline had gone to take a last review to their upcoming album. 

"hey, jin hyung...jungkook" jimin chimed as he toddled with a yawn, "had a good sleep?" he nodded at jin's quiver and drowsily sat beside seokjin, with taehyung beside jungkook. "what got your panty twisted?" jungkook shook his head in denial as he continued to rake his mind, 

joon hyung is so cute, joon hyung is so pretty, so amazing-oh! he is so talented, he is most precious, joon hyung loves me more than anyone and—

"jungkook, serious what's up? what's with the shit eating face..." jungkook rolled his eyes at the elder and pouted, "umm...when will the m-members will be home?" he quivered reluctantly and cursed under his breath when he felt the three of them giving him their teasing looks, by wriggling their eyebrows and whistling. 

"all of them~? or someone in certain?" taehyung chimed with a boxy invitable grin, jungkook couldnt help but to flash red at the quiver. "yea yea...very funny" he huffed, "what's funny? we didnt joke..." jimin mumbled, "not a joke...but the teasing..." he mumbled, "teasing? who?" jungkook scoffed at the elder. 

"about joon hyung—"

"so you do admit that you had joon on your mind huh?"


"no shut up, old fag..." he grunted at seokjin who chuckled in victory, "we all know that you fuck taehyung and jimin..." he mumbled trying to defend himself, but the three of them only shrugged it off. "isnt thats crystal clear?" taehyung mumbled as he gave jungkook a intrigued look. "so, when are you gonna man up and confess to joon hyung?" he quivered, 

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