Chapter 26

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"Jungkook..." Jimin hesitantly whispered as he took small steps towards the silent Makane. When Jimin came pretty near to Jungkook, he noticed the tear stained face of Makane, which burned something inside him.

"J-Jungkook, what happened?! Why a-are you crying? Jungkook? Jungk—" Jimin stopped speaking when he noticed that the Makane was not responding. He wasn't even blinking, just staring blankly at the wall.

"Jungkook, l-look at Hyung. Look at m-me." Jimin tried coaxing the Maknae but his attempt failed. Jimin stared at the Jungkook for few moments before raising his hand to shake the Makane but stopped immediately as if his reflexes didn't let him touch the Makane. He gulped and was about to bring his hand back.

Jimin gasped when he felt tight grip on his hand. He looked at Jungkook in shock as he felt his heartbeat increased.


"Jimin." Jungkook whispered as he bought Jimin's hand to his own heart, which was beating in the same rhythm as of Jimin.

When Jungkook placed Jimin's shaking hand in his chest, just above his heart, Jungkook gasped loudly as he felt the rapidness in his heart beat. Jimin, on the other hand stayed still. He just stared at his own hand which was currently being placed on the top of the Makane's chest just above his heart. His small hand was full covered by Jungkook's bigger hand as he felt soft strokes on his hand by the Makane.They stayed silent as both of them felt the heart beat of Makane until they heard door of the room, pushed open.

"Mr. Jeon, How are you feeling now?" Dr. Lee asked as he walked near the pair. When he went pretty near towards them, he noticed the situation in which both of the members were in. Dr. Lee coughed awkwardly as he smiled towards the pair before speaking again.

"Hello Mr. Park, I see Mr. Jeon is quite attached to you. If you don't mind, can I examine my patient?" Mr. Lee politely asked Jimin, who in response nodded shyly as he tried to pull his hand away from Makane's tight grip but Jungkook didn't let him escape.

"J-Jungkook... please." Jimin whispered as he pleaded the Makane to release him and not to make the Scene in front of Doctor but the stubborn Maknae didn't listened.

"Mr. Jeon, please let your Hyung go, I have to check—"

"I'm not letting Him go." Jungkook sternly said as soon as he heard the words 'let go' because just hearing them, Jungkook himself getting uneasy and somewhat scared too, so instead of letting Jimin's hand go, he tightened the grip on his hand.

"Jungkook, d-don't talk to the Doctor like this." Jimin scolded the Makane as he still tried to release his own hand from the tight grip of Jungkook's hand.

"Dr. Lee, I apologise for the behaviour of my Maknae."


"Yours." Jungkook whispered which didn't went unheard by Jimin, who looked back at Jungkook with widened eyes.

"Dr. Lee I'm sorry—"

"Don't apologise. Please." For first time Jungkook turned as he looked directly in the beautiful eyes of his love.

"Don't apologise for something which you didn't even did. Don't apologise when you aren't even at fault." Jungkook said, as Jimin opened his mouth to say something but closed it when he didn't got any suitable words.

Jimin looked back at the awkward Doctor as he spoke, "Dr. Lee, he's being stubborn, please give me few minutes to bring his manners back." Jimin request with pleading eyes to the Doctor, who in return softly chuckled while nodding his head before leaving the room, leaving the two members alone.

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