HTSCF CH 023 I will travel across the land, searching far and wide.

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Beta: Jeannette

A/N: More Pokémon-themed chapter titles woohoo!

"You're a female?"

The one who asked was Elior. Since Azazel and Elior had mentioned a few times how they didn't think much of females—perhaps even disregarded them—Jun had been concerned how they'd react once they found out. But judging by the way Elior asked, he didn't seem upset, angry, or disappointed, just plain astonished.

"Yeah... Is that bad?" Jun asked with some hesitation. Unlike mate relationships between male beastmen, a mate relationship between males and females was difficult to break, as signified by the mark. To break the mate relationship required forcibly removing the mark, and that could kill a female and damage the rank of a male.

"No wonder I couldn't see your rank and you always smell so good!" Elior exclaimed and held Jun closer.

Azazel's expression was still one of having not yet recovered from the surprise, but he shook his head and held Jun's hands in his. "This is great. Never would I have thought—"

His words were left unfinished. He was a wild beastman, abandoned when he was just a cub and had to learn to fend for himself. Females were an impossibility, so he had long given up on having one, and when he met Jun, he stopped caring about them entirely. To think that he could have a female...

Azazel released Jun's hands and held his chin, his eyes peering deeply into Jun's with sharp possessiveness. "You're mine." He growled.

Elior cleared his throat. "What was that?"

"And his. You can only be ours, ok?" Azazel amended.

Laughing, Jun gave Azazel a quick peck on the lips and did the same for Elior. "I only belong to you two. This life and the next, always."

After not having feelings for anyone for years, Jun was certain there wouldn't be another he'd cherish quite like Azazel and Elior ever again.

"You promised," Elior said.

"I promise."

|Congratulations, dearest Host! You've finally found love!|

|...| Now there was a voice he had not heard from in over a month.

|You forgot about this system, didn't you!? So heartless... uwu...|

|Of course, I didn't...|

He had just been distracted over the last month thanks to Azazel and Elior's constant "care" for his ass. That's all.

|Well, I've never forgotten you, Host, and have always been here!|

In the recent month of debauchery, it seemed Jun had forgotten about that too! He sure hoped the system didn't peek at those times...

|Unlike your men, I'm not a pervert, Host.|

|... Well then. What's up?|

|I just wanted to say congratulations on finding love and to tell you that because of that, you've unlocked the Hidden Mission early!|

|... That's a bit ridiculous. What if I never found love?|

|I'm phrasing it romantically. The key to unlocking the Hidden Mission early is to have a mate. You have two now, so it's quite an accomplishment! Well, even if you never got a mate, the Hidden Mission would have still unlocked once you completed the Main Mission. It will just be 5 years later...|

|Ok, ok. I get it. What's the Hidden Mission?|

|Hidden Mission objective: Reveal the protagonist's true face!|

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