Chapter 9 - Jack, Crutchie and Race

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Trick or Treating with the Larkin Brothers
Ships - Jack, Crutchie and Race (brotherly)
Era - Modern
Triggers - Mentions of soaking and violence.

Race sprinted down the stairs to where his adoptive brothers were waiting for him.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs he slid along the floor in his socks.

Once he was in front of them he threw his hands in the air while doing jazz hands.

"Ta-da," he exclaimed as he stood there.

Jack and Crutchie both smiled at the younger boy.

Race had convinced them all to go trick or treating in a group costume.

Race was the Cat in the Hat and he got Jack and Crutchie to be Thing 1 and Thing 2.

Both of the older boys thought Race looked adorable in his costume.

It was a tiny bit too big for him so the hat kept of slipping down over his eyes and they had to roll up the cuffs of his trousers so he wouldn't trip over them.

Jack and Crutchie wanted to buy a wig for either of their costumes but Race argued that it would not be real enough.

That's why they spent almost all of their morning in the bathroom, trying to dye each other's hair with a dodgy spray from the costume shop.

Their hair was sticky and rock hard but it made Race happy so they didn't mind.

After millions of pictures taken by Miss Medda.

They annoyed the brothers a bit since they just wanted to go trick or treating but even in the few years to follow they were thankful for it.

Once the pictures were all finished the three brothers headed to the front door to start going trick or treating.

The three brothers all held hands, Jack on the left, Crutchie the right and Race in the middle of them.

They had been to all of the houses on their block and decided to go to the next block over.

They were walking along the footpath when a pair of boys came up to them.

Race felt Jack's grip on his hand tighten, causing him to look up at him.

"Who are they Jackie?" Race asked his eldest brother.

"Just some boys from school, Toni," he told the boy. "Let's keep going to the next house."

Race nodded, content with the boy's answer.

The tone of worry on his brother's voice went unnoticed by Race but not by Crutchie.

Crutchie looked at Jack over Race's head.

Even for a nine-year old he was still quite short.

It was like he was a couple months behind on his growing.

He had had to go to a lot of doctors appointments once Medda adopted him and they had said that that was to be expected.

His growth spurts were expected to come later then usual but he was adopted at a time where stunted growth due to the neglect from he father could be prevented.

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