Chapter 14 - Spot x Race

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Sprace Dates
Ship - Sprace
Era - Cannon
Triggers - None

Race and Spot walked out of the doors of the Newsies' Lodging House with broad smiled on their faces.

Race was just happy to be with his boyfriend.

Spot was happy that Race was happy and that he had the night off from his 'kingly' duties.

They had a full date night planned.

Actually, Spot had a full date night planned.

Race was completely in the dark.

He trusted Spot enough to come up with a good date though.

He always did.

Much to their collective annoyance, they had to drop their hands once they got outside the Lodging House.

They didn't know who might be around, maybe the bulls or the Delanceys, especially as it was a Saturday evening and who know who may be out on the streets.

Spot led them through a maze of alleyways.

He stopped suddenly, causing Race to slam into his back.

"Sorry Spottie," he said.

"You're good Racer," he laughed. "But don't call me Spottie."

Race grinned. "No."

Spot groaned and grabbed Race's hand.

"Come on. We'll be late for the show," he told his boyfriend.

Race nodded and smiled.

They walked into the theatre and headed straight for Miss Medda. She was where she usually was getting in position and making sure everyone else was ready too.

They talked to her for a while until she was rushed onto the stage and Race and Spot rushed to their seats.

They were captivated for the entirety of the show, both boys not even wanting to blink for fear they'd miss something.

When the show finished they left quickly.

Usually they would stay a while but Spot insisted that they were on a time crunch.

"Where are we going?" Race asked as he was, yet again, led through many back alleyways.

"I can't tell you Racer," he said. "It's meant to be a surprise."

Race fake pouted but nodded regardless.

They walked in silence for a while before Race spoke up.

"Hey Spottie?" he said.

Spot looked up at him and sighed. He decided to not comment on the nickname that once. "Yes."

"By hand is really heavy. Can you hold it for me?" he asked with a smirk.

Spot blushed lightly, though he would never admit it.

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