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By midnight, Olivia and Elliot had both finished their paperwork. Olivia capped her pen slowly once she signed the last form, before looking up and seeing as Elliot tugged his jacket on.

"Are you ready to head out?" Elliot questioned as he looked at his partner. He already wished he hadn't been such a dick to her, especially since he had noticed she wasn't too bad at her job.

"Uh, no. I think I'm good." Olivia replied weakly.

"But we are done for the night. You should head home and get some sleep, especially since we gotta be back by seven tomorrow morning." Elliot spoke.

"I'd rather be here and wait for a call instead of going home... drive safe and have a good night." Olivia smiled weakly.

Elliot looked at his partner for a moment before hesitantly moving over to Olivia's desk. He sank down onto the edge of it before looking her over.

"You told me that you have PTSD. Does it get worse when you are home alone?" Elliot breathed, and Olivia swallowed hard before nodding hesitantly.

"I hate being in my apartment alone. I know that I have to get over this, but it's hard. Especially after tonight. That DV case... it really sucked." Olivia whispered. Elliot nodded slowly before reaching out and gently giving Olivia's shoulder a squeeze.

"You can sleep on my couch if you'd like. It probably has Cheerios and formula on it, but at least it's a place to sleep." Elliot spoke, and Olivia shook her head.

"Thanks, but I don't want to impose. Just go home and see your girls. I'll be okay. I promise."


Olivia wasn't okay. The station house got super quiet not long after Elliot left, and she was mostly alone. She watched as the desk officer talked to a few people who walked in before sending them upstairs or to a different station house. Olivia tried to sleep at her desk, but any sudden noise woke her up and scared her.

She was used to surviving on little sleep, but now as an officer she had to at least try to get some sleep. Olivia didn't want lack of sleep to cause something bad to happen when it didn't need to happen.

When Elliot got in the next morning, Olivia tried her hardest to pretend that she had gotten sleep and was okay, but it was hard.

"Hey, Benson. How was your night?" Elliot questioned.

"It was okay. Nothing interesting happened." Olivia breathed.

"You look dead. Did you manage to get any sleep? Because if you didn't, maybe we should get some breakfast and coffee." Elliot offered. Olivia was quick to shake her head again before standing slowly.

"Don't worry about me, Stabler." Olivia grumbled. She grabbed her hat and pulled it on, before looking towards the door.


"We should head out. I'm sure that we will get some sort of case today that will lead us to have a ton of more paperwork compared to last night."


The partners were asked to respond to a call about a body. When they arrived, Olivia was the first to get to the victim's side. She quickly checked for a pulse, but she didn't feel one at all. This was Olivia's first time near a body, and she hated it.

By the time a few detectives had responded and the ME, Olivia was even worse off.

"Uh, I found a purse." Olivia spoke nervously, as she approached where three men were standing by the ME.

"Where?" One asked.

"Over by the trash can." Olivia replied, as she pointed behind her. The man nodded slowly before pointing at it.

"Why don't you open it up and see if you can find anything to identify her. Keep your gloves on." He ordered. Olivia nodded quickly as Elliot came up beside her. He took the purse in his hands and held it as Olivia opened it and looked through it.

She found a wallet and a driver's license for the victim. Then, as she dug through it some more, she found a bottle of vitamins.

"Oh, no." Olivia whispered, as tears burned her eyes.

"Officer?" One detective asked. Olivia held the bottle out with a shaky hand and showed it to him.

"Prenatal Vitamins, Detective. She was pregnant..." Olivia trailed off. She passed everything to Elliot before quickly walking away from the scene.

She made it to the cruiser before starting to cry. A dead body was one thing, it was horrible and Olivia hated to see it. Then to add to it, the victim had been expecting, but now both lives had been stomped out too soon.

"Olivia, I get that this is your first stiff-"

"Allie Logan, not a stiff. She is a woman and was going to be a mother, too. Her license said that she was born in 1996. She is only a year older than me, and now she'll never age." Olivia whimpered.

"I'm sorry." Elliot frowned.

"I know that it is unprofessional to just walk away from a scene, but I can't do this right now. I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm going to make it a year in this job."

"Olivia, you a great officer. It will just take some time. Now, why did the vitamins trigger you? Did you lose someone who had been pregnant?" Elliot asked.

Olivia swallowed hard before wiping tears from her cheeks.

"You don't need my life story, Elliot. Let's just go back and finish up." Olivia spoke before moving to walk away. Elliot grabbed her arm and tugged her back before locking eyes with her.

"Tell me what is happening, Olivia. I need to know, so I can help you." Elliot breathed.

Olivia started to cry again, before stepping forward and hugging her partner tightly. She sobbed for a while, before stepping back and watching as the ME's van drove past them.

"My senior year of high school... I got pregnant. I fell in love with this guy who was a few years older than me, and my mother hated everything that was happening. She didn't like that I had found love, and she didn't."

"Okay, so where is the baby?" Elliot asked.

"My mother beat me to the point where I lost my baby. I was almost sixteen weeks pregnant, but my mother stole my child from me because she was angry. She's still angry about it to this day."

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