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"I need to talk to you." Elliot spoke, as he nervously rocked back and forth in his spot. He had been standing in Olivia's apartment for over an hour, and those minutes seemed to tick by slowly. All he wanted to do was to tell Olivia that he had feelings for her, and he was more scared than ever before to tell her since she's clearly dating his boss.

"There is no reason why you need to talk to me... let alone break into my apartment and wait in the dark!" Olivia huffed. She was angry and still a little shook up since she didn't expect to see Elliot there.

"There is though, Liv! Well, maybe not using your spare key to get in... but for sure the fact that I need to talk to you." Elliot frowned. 

Olivia rolled her eyes as she turned around and hung her jacket up. She then slipped her heels off before walking towards her bedroom to put them away.

"Elliot, you were a jerk to me. Your mother hates me too, so there is clearly no place for me in your life." Olivia sighed as she opened her bedroom door. Elliot was following her into the room, and all Olivia wanted to do was kick him out and head to bed.

"Liv, I love you." Elliot breathed. Olivia froze by her closet door for a moment before turning around to look at her former best friend.

"W-what did you just say?" She whispered.

"I love you... it took me awhile to realize that I had genuine feelings about you. It was a shock and incredibly scary since Kathy hasn't been gone for that long, but I can't hide the fact that I am in love with you. Kathleen and Maureen love and miss you so much, and Mo keeps asking if you left us like Kathy did."

Olivia bit her lip as she looked at Elliot through tear-filled eyes.

"You don't love me, Elliot. You are still grieving Kathy's death, so you aren't in the right mindset to tell someone that you love them. And anyway, I'm dating Thomas... I am in love with Thomas." Olivia whispered. At this moment, saying that she loved Thomas was more like a way to truly convince herself that it was true.

She didn't know if she just thought she was in love with Thomas because Elliot wasn't in love with her, or because it was really happening. That she had truly found a man she loved and wanted to be with.

"Olivia, he's like thirteen years older than you!"

"So?! He's mature and is ready to settle down! I want to settle down!" Olivia exclaimed.

"Are you pregnant?!" Elliot yelled, and Olivia quickly shook her head.

"No, I am not pregnant! But I don't have to be pregnant to know that I want to settle down and start a family! And I think that Thomas is the one I want to do it with!" Olivia yelled back.

Elliot quickly bridged the gap between them before smashing his lips against Olivia's. He wrapped his arms around her body and held her tightly against his chest as he gave his all. Elliot was just about to lose hope, when Olivia's arms slipped from his grip and quickly cupped his cheeks in her hands. Olivia started to kiss Elliot back, and everything was a blissful blur from there.


Elliot laid on his side and gently ran his hand over Olivia's bare hip. They had spent the last few hours making love to each other, and now they were just relaxing.

"Now, don't let this go to your head or anything... but you have Kevin and Bell beat when it comes to making love. You are so gentle and you drove me crazy when you kept kissing me on my neck and chest." Olivia breathed.

"I am going to write about that compliment in my diary." Elliot said with a lazy grin. Olivia laughed, before sitting up a bit before leaning in and kissing Elliot softly. Their lips lingered for a long moment, before Olivia laid back down.

"I don't know what to do, El." Olivia breathed, as she started to think about the fact she just cheated on her boyfriend. 

"You are going to break up with Thomas and start dating me." Elliot spoke, and Olivia sighed softly before nodding.

"Life is going to be a living hell for you if that happens... he'll probably know it's your fault, especially since he probably saw us talking at the station house." Olivia frowned.

"He will have to get over it, especially since you and I are a lot better together than you two are." Elliot spoke.

Olivia let out a laugh as she shifted closer to Elliot.

"How do you know that? Thomas is a gentleman. He knows all about my past, and he was very supportive about everything."

"I was too! Olivia-"

"Can you give me some time, El?" Olivia asked, and Elliot nodded slowly.

"Of course, love. But don't take too much time, because my girls want to see you again and I don't want to hear Maureen ask if you are dead again."


Olivia spent her day thinking about the pros and cons of each relationship.

Thomas was older and more mature, plus he didn't have a lot of baggage. He was ready to settle down, and Olivia was too. Thomas had been asking about when they might want to start a family together, but Olivia hadn't managed to give him an answer yet.

Then there was Elliot. Olivia had a connection with Elliot that she had never had with anyone before. He was her best friend and had been by her side through so many bad things. Olivia still had feelings for Elliot, even if he had broken her heart, and now things were actually good. Elliot loved her and finally had the balls to tell her.

"Jeans and a t-shirt, huh?" Thomas asked when Olivia opened her door. She had forgotten that they had made plans for a date.

"Oh, I forgot about tonight." Olivia frowned as she let Thomas into her apartment.

"Don't worry about it. We can just eat here and spend the night in your bedroom." Thomas smiled.

Olivia bit her lip as she turned around from the door after closing it. She looked her boyfriend over for a moment before finally speaking.

"I think we need to talk."

Camo and Navy Blue [A Bensler Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now