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"What?" Elliot asked as Olivia dug into her purse and grabbed her wallet. She grabbed a bill and dropped it onto the table before standing.

"Elliot, your mother hasn't approved of me helping out. She thinks that I'm there just for you when I started helping out because I love your family. Kathy was my friend, and I felt bad that she passed, so I stepped up and picked up the slack that was left." Olivia sighed as she grabbed her jacket.

"She likes you. She-"

"If she liked me, then she wouldn't be putting all this shit in your head. And because you believe your mother and hate that I opened up to you, then I'm done. This isn't good for my mental health... so I am going to go." Olivia huffed.

When Olivia walked away from that table, she promised herself to never open up again. She had finally told another man other than Kevin that she had feelings for them, to only have her heart broken. Olivia didn't expect for Elliot to reciprocate those feelings, but she thought that he'd at least have the decency to let her down easy.


On Monday morning, Elliot went into work without picking Olivia up. He usually got her before work, and then they'd head in together. But since Olivia wasn't talking to Elliot anymore, there was no need for Elliot to get her.

Elliot walked into the precinct and stopped when he saw a strange man sitting at Olivia's desk.

"Sorry, buddy, but that desk isn't free." Elliot spoke quickly.

"I was assigned this desk. I'm Samuel Davis." The man smiled, as he reached his hand out to Elliot.

"I don't care who you are, that desk is taken." Elliot snapped.

"Yeah, by Officer Davis. He is your new partner." Bell spoke, as he walked over to where Elliot stood.

"Nope, Olivia is my partner. She-"

"Olivia asked for a transfer. She asked for a place closer to her apartment, so I transferred her." Bell replied, as he looked his officer over.


"Stabler, she said that she couldn't work with you anymore either." Bell frowned.

Elliot thought that the fight on Saturday would have blown over by Monday, but clearly he had been wrong. Now he was heartbroken. He already missed his best friend.

"Which precinct?" Elliot asked weakly.

"I can't-"

"There are three precincts near her building! Three! Please just-"

"Stabler, relax. Olivia will come back around when she's ready. Until then, be nice to Davis. We are running out of partners to give you."


Months went by, and Elliot caught himself staring at the front door of the precinct whenever he could. He missed going home and seeing Olivia, or texting her late at night when neither of them could sleep.

When Elliot thought he'd never see Olivia again, she showed up to the precinct one day.

"Yeah, just tell Thomas that I'm waiting for him." Olivia spoke softly, from where she stood at the front desk. The officer she had talked to walked off, and Elliot quickly walked up to her.

He had been sitting at his desk when Olivia had showed up, and he had to restrain himself from running to her the moment he spotted her. She was dressed all fancy and even had gotten her hair done, so Elliot knew that she didn't come there for him.

"Hey there, Benson." Elliot breathed nervously.

Olivia turned around from the desk, before frowning when she saw her former friend.

"Hey, El."

"You look amazing... got a date tonight?" Elliot asked. He was hoping her answer would be no, but he also knew that she didn't dress up often. Clearly there was a reason, and it wasn't for him.

"I do have a date... it's good to see you, but you should probably get back to work." Olivia sighed. She looked away from Elliot and smiled when she saw Thomas Bell walking towards her.

After their one night together, Olivia had told herself to stay away from him. But Bell had different plans. He asked her out on a date not long after she had been transferred, and they had been dating since.

"Love, you look stunning." Bell smiled, when he saw his girlfriend.

"Thanks... I decided to get fancy tonight with my makeup... needed to make sure I looked good for my birthday date." Olivia spoke. She met her boyfriend halfway before kissing him several times.

Elliot hadn't made it to his desk at this point, and he stopped to watch the exchange. Even if he didn't admit to having feelings for Olivia when she had first told him, he realized that he did now. Being away from Olivia was incredibly hard, especially since he had two little girls at home who missed Olivia even more than he probably did.

"Alright guys! I'm leaving for the night, so don't burn down my station house. If there is a problem, call someone else because I'm spending all night celebrating with my girlfriend. Do you understand?" Bell spoke, as he wrapped an arm around Olivia's waist.

"Gotcha, sir! Have a good night!" Elliot's partner, Samuel Davis, spoke from his desk.

Elliot turned around quickly and gave Samuel a dirty look.


"Nothing... just don't be so excited that Bell is dating her." Elliot grumbled.

"Why not? He seems happy."

"Yeah, well that is my best friend... if Bell hurts her, then I hurt him."


Olivia and Thomas Bell went out to dinner and then went dancing. Olivia enjoyed her night a lot, and she had to admit that Thomas knew how to treat her. He took her on dates often, and he didn't force her into anything that she didn't want to do. Olivia opened up to him about her past, and he was incredibly understanding. Olivia was falling in love with him, even if she had tried her hardest not to.

"Tonight... it was amazing, Tom." Olivia smiled as they walked back to her apartment.

"I'm glad you enjoyed your time. You deserve to have fun." Bell spoke. They stopped by Olivia's door, and Thomas wrapped his arms around her body. They made out for several moments, before his phone rang.

"Gotta go?" Olivia frowned, as she pouted a bit.

"Unfortunately, yes. But I will see you soon. I'm thinking about tomorrow night."

"Send me the details." Olivia spoke. She stole one more kiss before waving as he walked away.

Olivia unlocked her apartment and jumped when she found Elliot standing in front of the door.

"Elliot! What the fuck are you doing in my apartment!?"

Camo and Navy Blue [A Bensler Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now