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Before they knew it, Olivia and Elliot even realized they had been partners for a month. It was a very good month, and Olivia and Elliot trusted each other completely. They had a few close calls, but neither of them had gotten hurt at all.

"We have a call for a disorderly drunk who is stumbling way too close to the subway stairs." Olivia sighed from where she sat in the passenger seat of their cruiser.

"Oh, that sounds fun." Elliot sighed. He quickly turned on the lights and sirens before heading off to the address that Olivia had written down.

When they arrived outside of the bar, Olivia got out first and headed to where three men were trying to get the drunk to stay put long enough for the cops to respond.

"Hey, guys. I think we have it from here." Olivia spoke, as she pulled her cuffs out.

"She's a mean one, Officer. She clawed my friend's arm." One huffed.

"Thanks for the help, and make sure he gets that cleaned up." Olivia spoke.

Elliot joined Olivia, and they quickly cornered the drunk before putting her in cuffs.

"Ma'am, stop fighting us! We are just trying to help you!" Elliot exclaimed as he held the woman back.

She was slurring her words and thrashing around, but Elliot gripped her. Olivia stepped in front of the woman before frowning deeply.

"Mom." Olivia spoke, and the drunk lifted her head and let out an annoyed groan.

"Go away." Serena Benson spat.

"Mom, stop fighting us. If you hit us, we will arrest you for assaulting a police officer." Olivia sighed.

"This is your mom?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Oh yeah. This is the charming Serena Benson."


Olivia and Elliot ended up taking Serena up to the hospital because she didn't look good at all. Once a nurse had taken her back and she was handcuffed to her bed, Elliot joined Olivia out in the ER waiting room.

"Okay, so they have her on a banana bag and they are testing her blood alcohol level." Elliot sighed, and Olivia nodded as she looked up from her phone.

"Good." Olivia frowned.

"Olivia, at least we grabbed her before she fell down the stairs. She'll be okay, and maybe-"

"Maybe I don't give a fuck about her. You know what she did to me, and if she fell down those stairs... I don't think I would shed a fucking tear. Now, do they know when we can take her in?" Olivia huffed.

"I'm sorry." Elliot frowned.

He sank down beside Olivia before raking his fingers through his hair.

"Answer my question, Stabler." Olivia sighed.

"Sorry, what question was that?" Elliot asked.

"When can we take her back to the station?"

"Oh, yeah. They said a few hours. So if you want to head back to the station, then I can bring her in when she's released."

"Nope. You aren't going to be forced to spend time with my mother. I'll go and deal with her. You just... just go back to the station and pack up. You have Maureen's class play to go to."

"Shit! I forgot! Are you going to be okay?!" Elliot exclaimed, as he scrambled to his feet.

"I'll be fine. Just meet me back here afterwards if I haven't left yet."


A huge trauma came in, so the ER got busy. Olivia left her spot and sat with her mother instead. She sat in a chair right beside her mother's bed, as she wrote notes down about her mother's arrest.

"Can you loosen this? It's too tight." Serena yawned as she shook her arm.

"It's tight for your own safety." Olivia replied.

"Olivia?" Serena questioned, as she opened her eyes and looked at her only child.

"Yes, Mom. It's me." Olivia spoke, without lifting her eyes from her notepad.

"What are you doing here? I don't have you as my emergency contact." Serena grumbled.

"I am here because I was the arresting officer. You were intoxicated in public, which can get you a fine or up to fifteen days in jail."

"Jail?! That is bull-"

Olivia lifted her eyes and stopped her mother before she could start yelling about how dumb the system was. Serena hated the police, especially since they never caught the man that raped her twenty-five years ago.

"Mother, don't start. I am just here to make sure that you don't die, and then I can take you to the station house and see what the judge thinks should happen to you."

"What are you even doing here? I thought you joined the army to be a coward." Serena spat.

"I joined the army so that you couldn't beat me anymore... and I'm back because I was shot and discharged. You didn't care when I was laying in a hospital bed with an infection and looking like swiss cheese, so why would you even know what I was back." Olivia spoke.

"Why would NYPD hire you? You are just as worthless as ever." Serena laughed.

"You are still a bitch, so I guess no one changes." Olivia spat.

She stood and looked at the IV that was in her mother's arm before sighing.

"This is almost empty. So enjoy this time with only one wrist in cuffs. I'll be back."


Elliot didn't manage to check in with Olivia until the next morning when he showed up for work. He found her face down at her desk as she snored softly.

"Liv, it's time to wake up." Elliot whispered as he gently mussed up her hair. Olivia lifted her eyes before squinting as she looked at him.

"Hey." She yawned.

"How'd it go with your mother?" Elliot asked, and Olivia let out a small laugh as she sat up and worked her hair back into a bun.

"She's sitting in the holding cell, so she's pissed off. She bitched at me for being a coward and joining the army... which isn't correct at all. Then she brought up my teen pregnancy and how I'm a whore and so much more."

"Olivia." Elliot frowned, and Olivia shrugged.

"Don't worry about me, El. I know that I'm not a whore or a coward. I know one thing though."

"And what is that?" Elliot asked.

"My mother will always be a bitch. That will never change."

Camo and Navy Blue [A Bensler Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now