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Ashley already had previous charges, so when it came to going on trial, she decided that pleading guilty was better than trying to fight something everyone knew she was guilty of.

Once she was out of jail after serving her two-month sentence, she was going to leave the state and Jacob. She didn't want him as much as she wanted money, and she would not get any more money, so she wanted to leave.

"I think she really enjoyed her birthday." Elliot smiled as he and Olivia walked downstairs after putting Lilly on Elliot's bed to sleep.

"I think she did, too. But what baby doesn't love cake?" Olivia said with a soft laugh. They sat down together on the sofa, and it wasn't long before Elliot's hand was rubbing Olivia's thigh.

She looked down at it for a moment, but didn't tell him to stop. Olivia loved the way Elliot was so gentle and how he always tried to show her his love, even if it was with just a small touch.

"El?" Olivia asked softly.


"Celebrating Lilly's birthday today, it made us feel like we are a family. Like a real one."

"It did feel real, Liv. I especially liked when we were all singing to her, and Jacob called her sissy instead of Lilly." Elliot breathed, as he looked over at Olivia. They didn't have a title, but after today Olivia wanted to date Elliot.

"Elliot, can we date?" Olivia asked quietly. She felt awkward asking her ex if they could date after years of being apart.


"Really. I'd like us to be a couple again. Today made me realize that waiting is just going to make me want you more, and I already want you, like, super bad." Olivia sighed. She turned to look at Elliot before smiling when she saw the goofy grin on his lips.

"Then I want to date you too! Geez, I'd marry you right now if you'd allow it!" Elliot exclaimed.

"Slow down there, bud. I'm not ready for marriage, but I would like to be your girlfriend. Can we settle on that for a while?"

"Of course! Olivia, I love you so much! This makes me so happy!" Elliot smiled, before he leaned forward and smashed his lips against Olivia's.

Once they parted, and Olivia nodded slightly as she tried to catch her breath.

"This makes me happy too."


Elliot was walking on clouds after Olivia asked him out. When he put the girls to bed that night, they could tell that their father was happier than usual.

"Daddy, you can't stop smiling." Maureen spoke as her father tucked her into bed.

"Would you like me to stop smiling?" Elliot replied, and Maureen was quick to shake her head.

"No, Daddy. I don't want you to stop smiling. I would just like to know why."

"I'd like to know too, Daddy." Kathleen smiled as she rolled over to face her father and sister.

Elliot stood up and turned on the night light before returning to Maureen's bed. He looked between his girls before speaking.

"Olivia asked me to be her boyfriend tonight." Elliot breathed.

"Did you say yes?" Maureen asked eagerly. Elliot smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I did. I even offered to marry her, but she told me to slow down." Elliot chuckled.

"So, is she and Lilly going to move in?"

"I'd really like that, but I don't want to scare her away. But tonight, we talked and said that today we felt like a family. A real one. Like I'm the dad and Olivia is the mom to our four kids... that type of family." Elliot spoke. When he said that, he wondered about if their four kids would turn to five or six kids in the future. He loved Olivia so much that he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with her.

With their kids.


On Monday morning, Olivia and Elliot had to disclose their relationship. Recently, a rule was decided on that made it possible for couples to work in the same unit and together. They still had to disclose, but Olivia and Elliot didn't have to worry about losing their jobs.

"Captain?" Olivia asked as she knocked on Cragen's open door.

"Benson. How can I help you?"

"Can we talk real quick?" Olivia asked, and Cragen nodded.

"Of course."

Olivia walked into the office before shutting the door behind her. 

"How was Lilly's birthday?" Cragen asked, and Olivia smiled largely.

"It went great. I celebrated with Elliot and his kiddos. There was a lot of cake and ice cream, plus balloons. Lilly just loves balloons." Olivia smiled.

"I'm glad it went well, but now we need to get down to business. So tell me, what do we need to discuss?"

"Well, Elliot and I are dating each other."

"I'm not surprised." Cragen admitted.

"You aren't?"

"Nope, not at all. Munch, Fin, and I have been taking bets about when you'd come in and disclose. Unfortunately, none of us picked a day this soon."

"I didn't expect it either, but Lilly's birthday was a good day. I'd like to continue having good days with Elliot."

"All I have to say is that in a sticky situation, make sure you don't make a choice to save his ass just because he's your boyfriend. Do it because he's your partner." Cragen spoke.

"I promise, sir."

"Good, now get to work."

Olivia was so glad that Cragen took the news good and that he couldn't even try to punish her. When Elliot got in, he pulled Olivia into the locker room and gave her a kiss. They hadn't seen each other in a few days, and he missed her so much.

"Hello to you too." Olivia grinned as she reached out and wiped her lipstick off of Elliot's lips.

"The girls know, and they are so happy that we are together." Elliot smiled.


"Really, babe. These kids just adore you, even Jacob. I do too, if we are being honest." Elliot spoke.

"I know this may shock you, but would you be willing to think about having Lilly and I move in?"

"You could move in this week-"

"El, I want you to really think about it. I don't want to move too fast, but I have been thinking about what I want all weekend. And I'd love to be with you in all my spare time."

Camo and Navy Blue [A Bensler Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now