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Over the next few weeks, Olivia was spending most of her off time with Elliot and his daughters. She took shifts to allow Elliot's mom a break, and it also gave Maureen more time with Olivia.

Due to many things, Kathy's case wasn't reaching any conclusion as fast as everyone wanted. Serena went through several tests that determined if she was mentally fit to be held responsible for Kathy's death and a trial, if it came to that. But the case would not end up with a huge proceeding that wasted everyone's time.

Serena pleaded guilty and just accept whatever punishment was going to be given to her.

"Hey, so why are you here so early?" Elliot yawned when he answered the door. Olivia had planned on picking him up, but they didn't plan on the pickup time being so early.

"We aren't going to the station today." Olivia replied as she walked into Elliot's house and shut the door behind her.

"Okay? But where are we going? Did we get put on a case? Or just patrol?" Elliot sighed as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed the mug of coffee he had left behind.

Olivia helped herself to some coffee before answering Elliot's question.

"I got a call from the ADA and they are going to do Serena's sentencing today. Today is the earliest date they could get, so we gotta go."

"I don't want to go." Elliot frowned as he looked at Olivia.


"I don't want to face the woman that killed my wife. I don't even want you to go, but I can't control you even I wanted. You are stubborn, just like Kathy... no wonder you two seemed to get along." Elliot grumbled.

"I'm going to talk. To tell the court about what type of woman my mother is, so then she can get the maximum sentence. She can't go to jail for beating me and killing my baby, but she can go to jail for taking Kathy's life." Olivia spoke. She downed the rest of her coffee before sitting the mug in the sink.

"I'm sorry about what she did to you, and you know that I'm not lying about that. However, I am not going. She already pled guilty, and once she's in jail, then I don't have to think about her doing it again to someone who is just as important as my wife."


Olivia went home and changed before heading to the courthouse. She didn't know what she'd say to the court, but she planned on describing the horrors of her childhood to anyone that would listen.

When she walked into the courtroom, the ADA stood up and quickly walked to Olivia.

"Where's Elliot?" She asked, and Olivia frowned as she played with the hem of her shirt.

"He's not coming. Elliot doesn't want to look at Serena, and I don't blame him. So I am all you have."

"But you aren't related to Kathy. You-"

"I am Serena's daughter. I was beaten and brutalized by her for eighteen years. I know that my trauma doesn't go hand in hand with Kathy's death, but it might help get her a harsher sentence. So please, just let me speak."

The ADA looked Olivia over for a moment before sighing and nodding.

"Okay. But don't fuck this up."

"Thanks a lot." Olivia sighed.

Judge Schaefer had a lot to say before eventually asking for anyone to speak for or against Serena to make his sentencing easier... or harder.

"Hello, I am Olivia Benson. I am Serena Benson's only daughter, and the gift given to her via her rapist." Olivia breathed awkwardly.

She looked down at her notes, before looking over at where Serena sat and kept her eyes focused on her joined hands.

"I know Serena better than anyone else does. I have watched her get to what we thought was rock bottom, to only drop lower than that and get worse. She drinks and does drugs, and she doesn't care about anyone but herself. That is why she got behind the wheel and drove home after drinking all day. That is why she took Kathy Stabler's life and left a man and his two daughters without the most important woman in their lives." Olivia spoke, her words shaking as she got closer to disclosing her past.

Olivia looked at Serena again and saw that Serena was watching her quietly. Serena had tears in her eyes, and Olivia didn't know if she should stop or keep going. But as she stood there in silence, she felt the deep phantom pain that she sometimes felt when thinking about her baby.

"Ms. Benson, are you done?" Judge Schaefer asked, and Olivia shook her head as she kept her eyes locked on her mother.

"No, sir. I just needed a moment." Olivia spoke softly.

Olivia slowly turned back to look at the judge before swallowing hard.

"When I was a senior in high school, I got pregnant. I tried to hide it as long as I could from my mother, but it didn't work out for long. At sixteen weeks pregnant, my mother beat me until I miscarried my child on the living room floor. It wasn't the first time she beat me, nor the last. But if that helps you at all with your decision... then I guess this was all worth it. Judge Schaefer, my mother, was tortured by her rapist. She was hurt... horribly. But I don't think that gives her an excuse to drink and drive... to beat me and kill my baby. I believe that she needs something to scare her sober." Olivia breathed. She took a shaky breath before stepping back and turning around.

Olivia spotted Elliot behind her, and he wiped a tear from his cheek before moving towards her. He gave her Maureen's hand and Kathleen before moving up to where Olivia had been standing.

"You lost a baby?" Maureen whispered, as she sat on the bench with Olivia and her baby sister.

"Yeah, sweetie. I did. That lady stole my baby from me, just like she stole your Mommy from you. But she's going away, my love."

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