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"W-what?" Elliot asked, as he looked his partner over. It was as if he could see that broken eighteen-year-old that was beat to the point she miscarried her child.

"I enlisted because I couldn't be around her any longer. She hates me and the fact that I was happy, so she took it into her own hands and make sure I wasn't happy anymore." Olivia whispered.

Elliot took in a sharp breath before nodding slowly. He didn't really know what to do, so he just stepped forward and wrapped his arms tightly around Olivia's body. He held her close and didn't let go until Olivia did.

"Did she get in trouble for it? Is she-"

"No one cares, Elliot. She could have killed me, and no one would have cared at all. Now, can we just head back out? I need to do something else, because standing here and telling you about my life isn't what I wanna do." Olivia whispered. Elliot nodded slowly before looking back at the crime scene.

"Yeah, okay. Hop in and I'll talk to one of the detectives. But tonight, you are going to your apartment or my house to sleep. You can't be alone after today."


"It's an order, newbie."


They got to go home at around five that night, so Elliot took Olivia to her apartment and made her pack a bag before taking her out to his house. Olivia was nervous to meet Elliot's wife and daughters, and she didn't know how well she's react to being around kids.

"Kathy!" Elliot called, as he lead Olivia into the house.

"El? Why are you yelling?" Kathy laughed as she came out of the kitchen. She had a blonde baby on her hip, and Olivia could hear another little girl singing somewhere in the house.

"I wasn't yelling. I was just announcing my arrival." Elliot chuckled. He walked over to his wife and kissed her before taking the baby into his arms and snuggling her close.

"El, who's this?" Kathy asked as she looked at Olivia.

"Uh, I'm Olivia Benson. I'm Elliot's new partner." Olivia spoke softly as she reached her hand out.

"I am super surprised that I am actually meeting you. Elliot didn't seem too excited to get a new partner." Kathy spoke, as she shook Olivia's hand.

"We are on good terms now, Kath. And I was thinking that Olivia might be able to crash on our couch tonight? She had a rough day at work, and doesn't want to be alone."

"Um, sure. Did you eat before coming over?" Kathy asked, and Olivia looked at Elliot quietly.

"No, she didn't. I honestly haven't seen her eat in the two days we have been partners. So we need to feed her."

"Elliot, I'm fine. I'm not hungry... thank you for the offer though, Mrs. Stabler."

"Mrs. Stabler? Geez, I'm not that old." Kathy laughed, before turning and moving back into the kitchen.

"Liv, you gotta eat. You can't be living without food. So I'm going to find my other kid, and why don't you help Kathy in the kitchen. She'd appreciate it, since I absolutely suck at cooking." Elliot smiled, before moving to the stairs before Olivia could object.


Olivia hadn't had an actual meal in a while. She had eaten a protein bar when she felt really hungry, but otherwise she never ate. So sitting down for a proper meal was a little overwhelming for her.

"So who are you?" Maureen Stabler asked as she sat across from Olivia.

"I'm your Daddy's partner at work." Olivia replied softly.

"So you are a cop?! I don't know a lady cop!" Maureen exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm a cop." Olivia smiled.

"I wanna be one someday! Then maybe I can work with you!" The little girl giggled before going back to talking about her day.

Olivia listened silently as she picked up a piece of chicken with her fork.

"Do you like it?" Elliot whispered, since his wife and daughter were in the middle of a lively conversation.

"Yeah, it's really good." Olivia replied, before finally taking another bite.

"So once dinner is done, I will show you the bathroom and then find you a few pillows and blankets. Maureen goes to bed early, along with Kathleen, so you can have some time to yourself tonight." Elliot spoke.

"You don't have to change your nightly routine just because I'm here. Just do what you need to do, and I'll try to stay out of the way."

After dinner was done, Elliot took his daughters upstairs to give them a bath and then spend some quality time with them. Olivia took a quick shower herself before going into the kitchen. Kathy was putting away leftovers, and she didn't even look up when Olivia entered the kitchen.

"So what was the case about?" Kathy mused.

"Uh, a woman was killed. It was my first case where I had to respond to a dead body." Olivia sighed.

"I feel like you are leaving something out. So why don't you help me with dishes and clean up, and you can tell me when you feel comfortable, okay?"

"Kathy, you just met me. Why do you even want to know?" Olivia frowned.

"Elliot came home last night and told me about you. How he was so ready to hate you, but ended up really liking you instead. He told me about the fact you are former army, and that you don't want to go home to your apartment because of your PTSD. Then he brings you home tonight and told me you are staying here. I'd like to know the reason."

Olivia started to wash dishes, and she did that for a while before telling Kathy exactly what she had told Elliot earlier. She told her about the baby and the abuse before shutting down completely for the night.


"I hate her mother." Kathy grumbled as she got ready for bed that night. Elliot was already in bed, and he was just listening to his wife's ranting.

"I know, baby. I hate her too." Elliot replied.

"How does someone... how does a mother beat her own child? How does this woman also kill her grandchild without batting an eye?!" Kathy spat.

"I don't know, Kath. But as soon as Olivia opens up to me, I'll tell you. But we need to get some sleep..." Elliot yawned.

Kathy climbed into bed beside him before raking her fingers through her blonde locks.

"Do you think we would have enough space to let her stay here with us?" Kathy questioned. Elliot quickly turned to his wife and eyed her.


"If she is scared to be alone at her apartment and doesn't have any family, we should be her family. We can make sure that she eats and stays healthy! El-"

"Okay, Kathy... slow down. I don't even know if she'd want to live here with us. And the last time I checked, we were working on baby number three. If you end up pregnant again, we won't have space for her and the kids. So if we can help her, that is all we should try to do. Unless I see that she's hurting herself or not taking care of herself. Okay?"

"If you insist." Kathy grumbled.

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