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The talk with his mother really bummed Elliot out. He didn't realize that he'd be upset about his mother not supporting his future marriage, especially since he planned on having this marriage last. He wanted to be the absolute best husband to Olivia, so he was going to try his hardest to not let this get to him. To not let it fuck up his family.

"Mama!" Lilly squealed once she spotted her mother. Elliot drove to the precinct after seeing his mother, since he needed to see a woman that made him happy. Not one that pissed him off beyond comprehension.

Olivia hung up her phone before turning in her chair. She looked at her fiance and daughter and gave them a confused look.

"Hey, Lils... what are you and Daddy doing here?" Olivia asked as she stood and took Lilly from Elliot.

"The talk didn't go as planned, so I just needed to see the woman that loves me." Elliot replied. He stepped forward and kissed Olivia before looking at the back of Lilly's head.

"El, do you wanna talk about it right now? I can take my lunch and we can find a quiet place and talk." Olivia spoke softly, and that understanding way she spoke to him made tears slipped down his cheeks. He nodded slowly, and Olivia smiled gently.

"Let me just tell Cragen that I'm heading out. Meet me by the elevator?"



Olivia and Elliot went and got lunch before sitting in the car and eating it. Lilly was passed out in the back, so they didn't have to worry about what was being said.

"My mother will never approve of our relationship because she is still caught up on the idea of Kathy. Like, don't get me wrong, I still love Kathy. But in the end, I can't be married to a ghost. I can't spend years alone with just my girls. I need you, and I got an amazing little boy and girl out of my last two relationships." Elliot sighed, before taking a drink from his water.

"Your mother will always be obsessed with Kathy. However, does she realize I was friends with Kathy? I didn't mount you the moment Kathy died, because I hadn't even allowed myself to think about that sort of relationship with you. All I could think about is you and the girls, what you three needed. Until she can even realize that I'm not trying to replace Kathy and never was, she won't accept this at all. So-"

"No." Elliot warned, already knowing what Olivia was going to say.

"No? El, I didn't-"

"I have known you for years, Liv. You and I are on the same wavelength, and I know exactly what you are thinking."

"Baby, please. Just let me explain where I am coming from. Please." Olivia said, batting her eyelashes and smiling at her fiance. Elliot loved that woman, but he was a little pissed that she'd even want to see his mother.

"Olivia Margaret Benson, I am not allowing you to go out there and get bitched at. So drop it, please."

"I hope you know you are marrying a very stubborn woman, Elliot Stabler." Olivia huffed a bit, because she hated being told what to do.

"I find stubborn women very sexy for your information."


Olivia and Elliot's minor argument didn't affect their relationship at all. Olivia knew Elliot loved her so much that he didn't want her hurt, so she didn't take it as Elliot trying to control her.

However, Olivia decided to not listen to Elliot completely. She just waited until he was on a bachelor trip for one of his buddies.

"Where are we going?" Maureen asked, from where she sat in the backseat beside Lilly. Olivia brought the kids to see Bernie, in hopes of that helping her case.

"Well, since Daddy is out of town, I thought we'd go stay in a hotel for tonight and tomorrow. Have our own little vacation." Olivia smiled.

"Does it have a pool?" Kathleen asked from the very back seat.

"It does, so I packed your suits." Olivia laughed softly. 

A conversation about the pool filled the air as Olivia quietly panicked about seeing Bernie. They had only seen each other a few times, and every time, she hated Olivia. Like completely hated her. By the time they had reached Bernie's house, Kathleen and Maureen were the only two awake, and they knew exactly where they were.

"Does Daddy know we are seeing Nana?" Maureen whispered.

"No, he doesn't know. So I think we should keep this secret from him. Okay?"

"That's lying." Kathleen frowned as she unbuckled and moved towards the front of the van. Olivia sighed as she took the keys from the ignition before looking in the rearview mirror.

"Babies, your daddy is upset that she doesn't approve of our marriage. I feel bad about it, and I'd like to try to fix things. So please, just help me with this. If it doesn't work, he won't find out. But if it does work, then Nana will be able to come to our wedding."

"You won't ask us to hide stuff from him again, right?" Maureen asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Never... so can we work together?"

"I guess." The girls sighed in unison.


Olivia carried the sleepy babies as the girls walked in front of her. She felt incredibly sick to her stomach as they moved up the path and to the front door. She hadn't been this nervous in a while, and it was getting to her.

"Mama, are you going to ring it?" Maureen whispered, since she could tell that Olivia was nervous, so she decided to be as sweet as possible.

"Can you? I have my hands full." Olivia said with a nervous chuckle. 

Maureen reached out to ring the bell, but the door open from inside before she even had a chance.

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