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Olivia listened as Elliot talked about Kathy. Elliot was in tears as he spoke, and his words shook as they left his lips. When he was done, he turned around slowly and walked to where Olivia sat with the girls. He sank down onto the bench before looping his arm through Olivia's.

"You did great." Olivia whispered as she looked over at Elliot.

"No, you did great. I listened to the whole thing... and I wish that I had come when you asked me. You didn't deserve to be alone through that all." Elliot sniffled as he brushed tears from his cheeks.

Olivia went to speak again, but she stopped when she heard Judge Schaefer clear his throat.

"Ms. Benson, please stand." He spoke.

Serena stood on shaky legs, as she barely kept eye contact with Judge Schaefer.

"Ms. Benson, I know they examined you in hopes of getting out of this. You and your lawyer claimed that being raped twenty-five years ago was the reason why you did everything you have done. I am sorry for what had happened to you, and for all the pain you have gone through. But I won't be allowing you to use that as an excuse to commit crimes..." Judge Schaefer trailed off.

He looked over at Olivia before frowning deeply.

"I wish I could put you in prison for not only killing Kathy Stabler, but also for abusing your daughter and killing your unborn grandbaby... I can't though, but I wish I could. I can only sentence you to the maximum, so you will get fifteen years in prison for killing Kathy Stabler." Judge Schaefer spoke before he stood and left the courtroom.

Everyone sat in shock, since he didn't even dismiss court before leaving. He was just as disgusted by Serena as everyone else was.

"Is that all? Daddy, did she get in trouble?" Maureen asked, her voice soft and filled with confusion. Elliot was in shock, so Olivia answered the small girl.

"Yes, Mo. She got in a lot of trouble, and probably won't get out until you are twenty... she's going to jail."


Serena sat in a holding cell as they waited to transfer her to whatever prison she was going to be rotting in.

She was numb, but still managed to cry quietly to herself as she thought about all the shit she had pulled. All the crimes she had committed that led her to this point.

"I don't know where you are going, but I do know that wherever you go won't be pretty. You will probably get the shit beaten out of you, but that is the least you deserve." Olivia frowned as she stood outside of the cell and looked at her mother.

"I didn't know." Serena whispered, as she looked up from her hands and locked eyes with her only child. The one that she abused in more ways than most people could list.

"About what?" Olivia asked.

"I guess that I didn't realize that you actually wanted your baby. Or that my rape didn't give me a get out of jail free card. I thought that no one could touch me again, that not even the laws applied to me... but I was far from right with that." Serena sighed.

Olivia bit her lip, before shaking her head.

"Just because you didn't want me, doesn't mean that I didn't want my baby! I can't even talk to my child's father because we both are still grieving. Mom, you need to get your shit together. Serve your sentence and don't fight them on anything. Maybe in the future you could get out and have a real life." Olivia huffed.

"With you?" Serena whispered, and Olivia laughed bitterly and shook her head.

"I can promise you we will never have a relationship. You are an angry... a completely angry and bitter bitch. You are also delusional to think that we could ever have a good relationship after all the shit you have pulled. So fuck off, and I hope you end up being someone's bitch."


Elliot sank down beside Olivia before pouring more whiskey into her glass. They had been drinking for the last few hours, and there didn't seem to be an end in sight.

"Did you know what the baby was before it was killed?" Elliot asked as he looked over at Olivia.

"They were able to see at my sixteen week scan. The tech wrote it down on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope. The night that I lost the baby was going to be the same night that Kevin and I would have found out together. He was packing a picnic for us and we were going to look at the paper together." Olivia sighed softly, before taking a long drink from her glass.

"Do you still have it?" Elliot questioned, and Olivia nodded.

"I do. I should probably throw it away, but I put it in the baby book Kevin and I had already been working on. We were excited, El. Like, we were so excited to be parents." Olivia smiled weakly as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Kathy and I were super excited, too. We also waited until the babies were born to find out the sex. But each time, Kathy would buy a bunch of pink clothes behind my back because she had a gut feeling." Elliot chuckled. He loved speaking about Kathy, but he would rather have her there with them instead.

"What are we going to do, El? Like we are both fucking messes, even though my mother is going away for fifteen years. We are still broken, and I was hoping that her getting jail time would fix us... it didn't change a thing though. I still don't have my baby and my childhood, and you are still a widower with two little girls..." Olivia sniffled.

Elliot sighed softly before reaching out and wrapping his arm around Olivia's waist. He pulled her close before kissing her temple gently.

"Serena going to jail would not bring everyone back. But in the end, we have each other... and we gotta stick together and we can make it through this together. As best friends and partners."

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