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Elliot was out of work for a little over a month while he dealt with Kathy's funeral and his broken heart. He didn't even acknowledge Olivia when she showed up to Kathy's funeral, and he ignored her calls when she tried to update him on Kathy's case.

"Stabler is coming back today." Bell spoke, as he awkwardly walked over to where Olivia sat at her desk. Olivia didn't have a partner anymore, so either she just stayed at the station or drove around giving people tickets for speeding or for not paying the meters.

"Great. Did you find him a new partner?" Olivia asked, without even looking up from her desk. Bell sat down on the edge of Olivia's desk as he shook his head.

"No, not yet. You can always be his partner again, Olivia-"

"I told you that you can't call me Olivia..." Olivia trailed off before looking up at Sergeant Bell. He let out a small sigh before nodding.

"Okay, I'll stop calling you by your first name. But I'm being serious. If you want to be Stabler's partner again, then just tell me."

"He doesn't want me to be his partner. In his mind, I am just as guilty as my mother is. It's like I was also in the car when it hit Kathy." Olivia sighed. She looked at Sergeant Bell for one more moment before dropping her head when she noticed Elliot moving into the room.

"Welcome back, Stabler. It's good to see you." Sergeant Bell spoke, as he walked away from Olivia's desk.

"Thanks." Elliot mumbled.


Elliot didn't seem phased at all when he and Olivia didn't get sent out on patrol. He didn't even look at Olivia until later that night, when she got up to leave.

"Uh, what are you doing over there?" Elliot asked gruffly, when Olivia started towards the door.

"That is my new desk." Olivia spoke softly, as she kept her eyes focused on the floor and not on Elliot.

"Did you get a temporary partner or... what is happening?" Elliot sighed. Olivia lifted her eyes and looked at Elliot for a moment before shrugging.

"I am not partnered up with anyone now. After what happened, I told Bell that it would be for the best that we don't work together anymore. He's going to try to get you another partner, but I am forever alone." Olivia replied.

"Liv, I think we have some things to talk about. Do you want to get drinks? My mother is staying with me right now, so the girls aren't alone." Elliot offered as he stood and looked at Olivia.

"El, you don't owe me anything. So if you don't want to spend time with me, then you don't have to pretend to want that. Just go home to your girls, and maybe in the future we can be friends again. Okay?"



"Shut up and let me talk!" Elliot laughed, and Olivia quickly closed her mouth before nodding.

Elliot walked over to Olivia before gently grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

"I was a dick. I treated you like a criminal and a monster, when you had nothing to do with Kathy's death. I am just having a really hard time processing everything that is happening, and I needed to take it out on someone. I am sorry that I chose you, honestly." Elliot breathed.

Olivia quickly wrapped her arms around Elliot and hugged him tightly.

"It's okay, El. I forgive... well, for almost everything." Olivia spoke.

"What don't you forgive me for?" Elliot mused as he leaned back and looked at his partner.

"The things you said about my baby."


Elliot and Olivia sat together in her apartment, since they really didn't want to be around other people.

"How are the girls doing?" Olivia asked as she handed Elliot another beer. Elliot finished drinking his last beer before sitting it down and answering Olivia.

"They are okay. They really miss her, and Mo has gone silent." Elliot frowned.

"I can come over and see if I can get her to talk. She loves me for some reason." Olivia laughed weakly.

"I need more help than what my mother can give me. So I'll probably take you up on that... do you have an update on the case?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded.

"I do. Uh, Serena is getting evaluated, but if she gets a clean bill of health, she will probably plead guilty. She feels horrible for taking Kathy's life, and she keeps asking if she can see you and the girls... but I keep telling her no because it would be too much. I told her to be careful and to not do something dumb. Clearly she didn't listen." Olivia sighed.

Elliot nodded slowly before grabbing one of the pillows and held it to his chest as he sighed.

"I don't want to ever see her again, Liv. I want her to rot in jail for what she did."

"I know, El. And I want that too." Olivia smiled weakly.

They sat in silence for a few minutes before Elliot randomly grabbed a tie from the cushion beside him.

"Are you wearing ties now?" He questioned, and Olivia looked at him as if he was crazy, before drawing in a sharp breath.

"W-where did you find that?" Olivia asked weakly.

"It was kinda tucked in between the armrest and the cushion. So, is it yours or-"

"Give it here." Olivia snapped a bit. She grabbed the tie from Elliot before standing and shoving it into her purse.

"Liv, I didn't mean to overstep." Elliot sighed.

Olivia turned around and looked at him before swallowing hard. She didn't know if she should tell Elliot that she and Sergeant Bell had slept together, or if she should hide the truth.

"Olivia, are you okay?" Elliot breathed.

"I slept with Bell."

"Huh?" Elliot asked.

"I slept with Thomas Bell... our sergeant. He drove me home the day after Kathy passed and you yelled at me. I needed to do something, and I guess I did him..."

"Oh my god, Liv. Really?!"

"Yes, really! I hate myself for doing it, and I hate that I thought maybe we'd end up doing it again or seeing each other... I was just being dumb."

"Do you have any feelings for him?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, I don't think so. I thought that I'd have too, but then the test came back negative and I knew that we didn't have to even attempt to be together."

Camo and Navy Blue [A Bensler Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now