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Olivia couldn't sleep the night she moved in because she couldn't stop thinking about her mother. Especially the fact that she was getting out and could show up out of the blue and see Lilly. Olivia was put through hell by her mother, and she was certain that Serena didn't deserve to meet the little girl that made Olivia so very happy. 

She didn't deserve to be a grandmother to an innocent little baby after killing another innocent baby almost ten years prior.

"Good morning, Livvie." Elliot yawned as he rolled over to face Olivia. His alarm had just gone off, but he didn't have any plans to get out of bed though.

"Hey." Olivia spoke shyly.

"How'd you sleep?" Elliot questioned as he reached out and pulled Olivia closer.

"I didn't..." Olivia admitted.

"You didn't sleep? Liv-"

"I couldn't close my eyes without seeing scary things, El. I feel like such a child because I'm scared and having nightmares, but I can't help it." Olivia whispered.

"Everyone still gets nightmares, Liv. Do you want to talk about it?" Elliot replied. Olivia wanted to say no, but she had to say yes. If this relationship was supposed to work, she had to be open and honest with him. That meant not hiding her true feelings and attempting to let Elliot into a world he hadn't been in for a very long time.

"I was just thinking about Serena and how her getting released is going to make things difficult. What if she shows up and forces herself into my life again? It's not just me anymore, El. I have a baby to think about, too."

"Plus three other kids." Elliot spoke. Olivia nodded weakly as tears burned her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I am being inconsiderate. All I'm doing is focusing on myself and Lilly, and not the family we are growing together."


"I'm going to the prison to talk to her... I'm going to make sure that I want nothing to do with her." Olivia spoke, as she pushed away from Elliot and climbed out of bed.

"Olivia!" Elliot exclaimed, as Olivia padded towards the bathroom.

"You aren't changing my mind, Elliot!" Olivia exclaimed back.

"I'm not trying to change your mind. You aren't going alone, though. I'm coming too."

"It's Sunday, you are supposed to go to church..."

"I go every single Sunday, and missing one won't be a problem. So I'll call the sitter and see if she can watch the kids while we are going to face a monster."


Elliot and Olivia called the prison and informed them they would be coming to visit Serena. When they got there, everything had to be surrendered, and they were moved to the visiting room.

For the entire time Serena had been there, no one visited her. So the guards were surprised when Olivia and Elliot signed in to see her.

"What are you going to say?" Elliot asked as he rubbed Olivia's back gently. 

"I don't know... I just want to make sure she stays away from me. From our four kids... from you." Olivia whispered. She turned to look at her boyfriend before leaning forward and kissing him softly.

"I will never get over the fact we are building a family together."

"Me either."

They sat in silence for a few more minutes before a loud buzzing was heard in the room. Elliot and Olivia turned towards the doors, where several prisoners were being led out. Olivia bit her lip hard when she spotted Serena, and she started to almost feel dizzy.

"Olivia? Elliot?" Serena questioned as she sat across from the couple. Elliot turned to look at Olivia before he leaned in closer to her.

"Everything is okay, babe. We came here to make her stay away, and she won't know that unless we tell her. Okay?" Elliot whispered, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Stop sending me fucking letters or calling me." Olivia spoke sharply. She didn't feel dizzy anymore, and it was mostly because she was so pissed off.


"I have a life now, Serena. One that I don't want you to mess with. I am working my dream job, and I have the best boyfriend in the world. The trauma that you caused us... that brought us back together. You will never be a part of my life." Olivia spoke, as her face grew red with anger.

"I served my time and-"

"The fuck you did!" Elliot blurted out.

"Elliot, I'm so sorry that I killed your wife. But-"

"No, Serena. I don't care what the hell you went through, it doesn't give you an excuse to drink and drive. To beat me... it doesn't make things better. If you dare come near my family, I will kill you. I can promise that." Olivia spat. She stood with Elliot, but before they could even make it to the door, Serena was speaking.

"Your necklace has an L on it, Liv. Does that stand for your nickname, or did you finally have a baby?" Serena asked. Olivia turned around slowly as anger bubbled up instead of her.

"I guess you have two grandkids now. The baby boy you beat out of me, and your newest granddaughter. You will never, and I mean never, know her. Fuck off, Serena."


Olivia had been such a badass in the visitation room, but once she left the prison, she felt weak again. She got sick for several long moments before Elliot led her to their car.

"That must have been disgusting... I'm sorry." Olivia breathed as she sat down and dug through her purse for a mint or something.

"I have three kids, Liv. Kathy and Ashley both had terrible morning sickness, too. Throwing up isn't something I haven't seen before." Elliot replied softly.

"I want her to fall off the face of the Earth, Elliot." Olivia whispered.

"I do too, but she won't. She will try to come around and mess with us. It won't be a good time in our lives, but we will make it through it. Together."


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