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"The test? Liv, did you think you were pregnant?" Elliot questioned quickly as Olivia moved to her purse and shoved the tie into it.

Olivia turned around slowly, before nodding slowly. She moved back to the couch, before sitting on the edge as she thought about the excitement she felt when she thought she was pregnant.

"I did. My period was late. I felt bloated, and I was a little sick to my stomach. I thought that those were early signs telling me I was pregnant, but I had a stomach bug and got my period a few days later." Olivia frowned.

Elliot looked at his friend for a moment before reaching out and gently patting her knee. He didn't know if Olivia wanted a hug or space, so he just decided on some sort of contact.

"I'm sorry, Liv. Whenever you end up having a kid... I know any child will be incredibly lucky." Elliot spoke, and Olivia nodded weakly.

"Thanks, El." Olivia sighed.

"Oh, no. Liv, that kid will be lucky to have me as it's uncle." Elliot grinned, and Olivia fought off a smile before eventually giving in and laughing.

"Thanks for that, Elliot. I needed to laugh." Olivia spoke, and Elliot nodded.

"Of course. Now, uh... want to get back to drinking?"

"I really wanna get drunk."


Olivia and Elliot got back to being partners the next day. They were great together, so Bell was more than willing to pair them back up. He was also happy to see Olivia smile again, since she had lost her spark while Elliot was gone.

Even if they were glad to be back to working together, they were both also ready for the weekend. Elliot wasn't excited about going home and, once again, not finding Kathy there, but he was looking forward to seeing if Olivia could draw Maureen out of her shell.

"Mo?" Elliot asked softly, after he opened his daughter's bedroom door. Maureen was sitting at her desk, her head resting against. She had been attempting to color, but instead her page was stained with tears.

"Baby." Elliot spoke, and Maureen slowly lifted her head before looking at her father. She didn't say a thing, but Elliot knew she was paying attention to him.

Elliot walked over and squatted down beside his daughter before smoothing her blonde curls.

"Maureen, you have a guest. She may or may not be a cop... and she absolutely loves you." Elliot smiled weakly. Maureen's eyes went wide before she grabbed a crayon and scrawled Olivia's name onto her coloring sheet.

Elliot nodded, and Maureen quickly scrambled from her chair before racing towards the stairs. Once Maureen made it downstairs, she quickly found Olivia sitting on the couch with Kathleen.

"Liv?" Maureen whispered, which was her first word spoken in over a month.

"Hi, sweetie pie." Olivia smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Maureen asked, as Olivia sat Kathleen on the floor before turning to the eldest of the two Stabler girls.

"I'm here to see you. I heard that you are taking your Mommy's loss really hard... I am so sorry that she's gone, baby." Olivia breathed, and Maureen started to cry as she tossed herself at Olivia.

Olivia caught the small girl and pulled her close, before rocking her back and forth as Maureen's sobs shook them both.

"I miss her." Maureen sobbed as she clung to Olivia.

"I know, Mo. But even if she's gone from this world, she is still here with you! You are the spitting image of her, and that makes you incredibly special. And Maureen, the pain will lose its sting and you won't feel nearly as sad. Okay?"

"I'm angry!" Maureen screamed suddenly. She shoved away from Olivia before standing and staring at her father's friend.

"Tell me why!" Olivia exclaimed, as she encouraged the small girl to let all of her scary and confusing emotions out in the open.

Olivia was asked there to try and get Maureen to open up again, and she was doing exactly that.

"That mean lady killed my Mommy! She took her from me! I want her! I want my Mommy!" Maureen yelled.

"What else?!"

"I hate seeing Daddy cry! He's so sad, and I hate it! What if Kathleen doesn't remember Mommy?! What if I don't either?!" Maureen screamed, as she looked at Olivia.

"It might happen, baby. But your Daddy, Grandma... even myself will help you remember her! We will help remind you of things you forgot, and it might not be the same as having her here... but it's the second best thing."

"I love her... but what if she doesn't know?" Maureen asked, as her voice dropped and started to shake.

Olivia moved to Maureen and pulled her into a hug before smiling as she rubbed her small back.

"Your Mommy knows that you love her, and she loves you still."

"Even from heaven?" Maureen whispered, and Olivia nodded.

"Even from heaven."


Olivia may not have known Elliot and his family for long, but Olivia knew that she was meant to be apart of it. Elliot and Olivia were almost like soulmates, especially because they needed each other and they were exactly what each other needed.

Olivia got Maureen to open up, and Elliot helped Olivia through some pretty dark feelings that she had been experiencing for many years.

"Liv?" Elliot spoke softly, as he walked Olivia out after dinner and both girls were down for the night.

"Yeah, Elliot?" Olivia replied, as she walked around to the driver's side door.

"Uh, can you come over more often? I think that not only does Maureen and Kathleen benefit from having you around, but I do too."

"El, are you sure?" Olivia asked softly, and Elliot nodded quickly.

"Yeah, Liv. I'm certain. I just lost Kathy, and I really need friends and family to rally around us... and you made my daughter talk again. She screamed and let her emotions loose." Elliot breathed. He felt like crying at this moment, but he couldn't tell if it would be good crying or bad crying.

"I get to see you every day at work, but why don't we plan for me to come over a few nights a week?"

"To just hang out?" Elliot mused, and Olivia laughed and shrugged.

"I guess. It would just be me helping out my best friend and his kids. I may not have taken Kathy's life, but that guilt still follows me around. It would make me feel better to help you."

Camo and Navy Blue [A Bensler Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now