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Olivia and Elliot tried their hardest to ignore the scary feelings that they had towards Serena and tried to move forward. They focused on work and their family, while also counting down the days until Serena was released from prison. The girls were out of school by the time June 3rd came around, and everyone was on edge.

"Liv?" Maureen asked, the morning that Serena was getting released. The girls weren't informed directly about what was happening, but they had overheard what their parents had said.

"Yes, babe?" Olivia asked, without turning to look at the little girl she was raising. 

"Will we be called when your mother is released?" Maureen asked. Olivia turned around quickly from the sink and eyed Maureen.

"What?" Olivia breathed.

"Your mom... she gets out today, right? She killed my mother, but she gets out after only serving five years?" Maureen asked. Olivia swallowed hard before stepping towards Maureen.

"How did you find out?" Olivia asked as she helped Maureen over to the kitchen table. They settled down together, as Olivia tried to pinpoint when things got exposed.

"I heard you and Daddy talking about it a few weeks ago. I told Kathleen, but we didn't tell you that we knew." Maureen explained quietly. She knew eavesdropping wasn't a good thing, but this time she was glad she did.

"Honey, I'm sorry that you had to find out that way."

"Why didn't you tell us sooner? We deserved to know that the person who took our Mommy away was going to be around again."

"She's not going to be around, I can promise you that. She's a bad person."

"I know that."

"However, we didn't tell you because this is already a really hard time for you. We didn't want to make things worse. Okay?"

"I want her to apologize." Maureen grumbled as she stood.

"She isn't-"

"I don't care if she doesn't want to, Liv! I want her to apologize for killing my Mommy and hurting you! Then she can be a bad person without us interrupting that." Maureen spat before she stormed off.

Olivia let out a slow breath before hearing as her phone rang. She stood and moved to the counter before answering the phone.


"She was just released. We informed her she isn't supposed to contact you and the victim's family, but I can't promise anything. I'm sorry." The voice spoke before he hung up.


The man really couldn't promise anything. That night, Olivia's phone lit up when the doorbell camera detected motion on the front porch. Olivia didn't even bother to wake her boyfriend up, because she knew exactly who was on the front porch.

"I told you to stay away." Olivia hissed as she quickly opened the door. Serena jumped and stumbled back.


"No, shut up. You don't get to talk. I told you to stay away, and if you didn't, I would kill you. Do you want to fucking die?" Olivia spat.

"I just wanted to see you! Liv-"

"I don't want to see you, bitch! You killed Elliot's wife, you murdered my son, and you abused me! Why do you ever think I'd give you a chance to be in my life? Do you want to kill my baby too? What about Elliot's kids?!" Olivia yelled, as she gave her mother a hard shove.

Serena stumbled back again, before grabbing the railing to stabling herself.

"I have changed, Olivia. I am not the same person who I was before. In prison, I was in therapy. We discussed the rape and how that made me do everything that I did. If I hadn't been raped, I wouldn't have beaten you. You'd still have that beautiful baby-"

"You were ashamed of your pregnant teenager, Serena! I bet you don't even care about my son, because he was just another mistake to you. Just like I am the worst thing that has ever happened to you. I get you were raped, and that shit went to hell, but that doesn't give you a right to hurt everyone. To hurt me." Olivia whimpered. She had been so angry at the start, but now she was almost in tears.

Her entire life was shit until she left and joined the army. Even if things with Elliot weren't good for a while, all she could think about was not being in Serena's grasp anymore.

"Baby, please. Give me a chance to make things better, especially because I don't want to miss out on your daughter's life."

"My child will never know you, Serena." Olivia whimpered as tears slipped down her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around her own body before stepping back towards the closed door.


"Lillian Mae is her name. She is seventeen months old, and just started to really walk. Her favorite word to say is Dada, which is what she calls Elliot. She loves Elliot's kids, who are her siblings, no matter if they share her blood or not. I don't care what you think you need, or what you think Lilly may need... because, as her mother, I know she doesn't need you. Lilly will never need you." Olivia croaked out, before she turned and opened the door before stepping back into the house.

She shut and locked the door as Serena cried and demanded that she open the door. 

"I never want to see you again." Olivia spoke towards the door before she ran up the stairs and into the bedroom she shares with Elliot.

Olivia shut the door before turning back to the bed where Elliot was awake and looking at her.

"I'm proud of you, Olivia. I heard the whole thing through the camera, and I just wanted to make sure you knew that."

"El, I am going to cry the rest of the night, and I need you to ignore me and get some sleep. Okay?"

"That will not happen, baby. We may just need to call off tomorrow to recover from how bad tonight was." Elliot spoke, before reaching his arms out to Olivia.

She stumbled towards the bed before climbing in and snuggling close to her boyfriend. After what had just happened, she needed to just be held and kissed. She needed to feel something other than anger.

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