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Elliot slammed his hands against the cold metal table. Ashley swallowed hard as she kept her eyes down and didn't even attempt to look at her ex-husband.

"Why did you break into my house?" Elliot demanded, as he stared her down. Ashley still wouldn't lift her eyes, since she knew Elliot was super pissed off. He never hurt her or anything while they were together, but he scared her sometimes when he'd get mad.

"I don't want to talk to you." Ashley whispered.


"Let me take over." Olivia spoke as she walked into the interrogation room. Elliot straightened his back before turning to look at his partner.


"It's fine, Elliot. You need to talk to the officers and see if anything was stolen, anyway." Olivia replied.

Elliot let out a sigh before turning back to Ashley.

"I will be pressing charges, and it won't look good when we go to court for custody of Jacob." Elliot replied with a huff. 

Once the door shut, Olivia sank down in front of Ashley and opened the police report.

"Would you like to explain to me your thought process? I believe that breaking and entering a home that was once yours is still a crime." Olivia spoke, as she looked up from the report and locked eyes with the woman that hated her. The woman that blamed her for something that wasn't her fault.

"I don't want to talk to you either, whore." Ashley smiled.

"Insulting an officer. That's a new one." Olivia replied, before closing the police report and opening up Ashley's record.

"If you wouldn't have come back, then this wouldn't have been a problem. I'd still be living in that house, and those ungrateful brats would be on their way to a boarding school as we speak." Ashley spat.

"He was mine first, honey." Olivia spoke, before going back to reading everything else that Ashley had done before.

There were a few other breaking and entering charges, theft, along with an assault and battery charge.

"I don't care if he was yours first-"

"I was his girlfriend before you fucked him. That shirt you were wearing the night we met, that was mine. I left it there and never got it back. After Kathy passed, I was the one who took care of them. I get that you think because you carried his child that it makes you better than me, but he loved me the whole time he was dealing with your shit. He was dreaming of me, when you laid beside him. Now, do you want to tell me about your other charges?" Olivia spoke.

She didn't like the idea that Elliot had been caught up on her when he was with Ashley, but when she said those things it knocked Ashley off her high horse.

"I served my time for those." Ashley breathed.

"And you will serve your time for this too. Now, did you steal anything?"

"I just want what was mine." Ashley grumbled.

"Elliot told me that you called and demanded additional funds, but he isn't your husband anymore. You aren't raising his son, so he doesn't owe you a damn thing. So please, explain the assault and battery." Olivia smiled.


Olivia got Ashley to talk, and then she was able to escort her to the tombs where she'd be awaiting her time in court the next morning. When Olivia got back, Elliot was waiting in the hall for her.

"Did she hurt you at all during transport?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"She didn't touch me. I had her cuffed and a uniformed officer took her from me when I arrived." Olivia spoke.

Elliot gave her a nervous nod, before grabbing her arm and pulling her down a deadend hall.

"I heard what you said about me." Elliot whispered.

"About you loving me?" Olivia asked, and Elliot nodded.

"I listened the whole time, and everything you said was true. When she told me she was pregnant, I was thinking about you. I had just ended a call in an attempt to call you when her water broke. Liv, every second we had been apart, I was thinking about you. I was still loving you." Elliot breathed as tears burned his eyes.

He looked up from the floor and looked Olivia's face over. Elliot hadn't found someone that made him feel safe when talking about his feelings. Never once did he bear his soul to Ashley like he does for Olivia.

"Do you still love me?" Olivia asked softly, as she kept eye contact with Elliot. If he looked away, he'd shut down. She didn't want that.

"I never stopped. Cheating on you was the thing I regret the most... I have told you this all recently, but if it makes you feel better, I will never stop telling you." Elliot whispered.

Olivia looked at him for a moment before stepping forward slowly. She looped her arms around his body before hugging him tightly. They stayed in that embrace for several long moments until Olivia leaned back and looked at him.

"I need to settle down and get used to life here before there can ever be an us, El. But if you love me, as you said, you'll be waiting for me when I'm ready. Just like before."

"This time I won't be a dick and cheat on you." Elliot said with a shaky smile. He looked at Olivia for a moment, before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

She kissed him back hesitantly before hugging him tightly.

"Time, Elliot."

"You can have all the time in the world, Olivia."


Olivia went home that night, and she dug through her closet in search of a shoebox full of items she had tried to forget about.

"Do you wanna look through this with Mama?" Olivia asked her baby as she carried her over the bed with the box in hand.

Olivia sat down and put Lilly on her lap, before opening the box and grabbing a handful of pictures and she flip through them as Lilly's chubby little hands touched the glossy images.

"This is Elliot, baby. He's in love with me... I'm praying that as you grow up, he'll be more than just Elliot to us. Maybe he'll be your Daddy and my husband one day."

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