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Elliot brought dinner home for the kids, and once they had sat down for dinner, Elliot had to ask them about Olivia moving in. His girls had asked him on Lilly's birthday if Olivia was moving in, so he was sure they would still want her and Lilly here with them.

"Okay, so we need to talk about Olivia and Lillian." Elliot spoke, as he sat a plate in front of Jacob before sitting next to him.

"What about them?" Maureen questioned as she looked up from her plate and eyed her father. Just the mention of Olivia and Lilly made her happy. She loved the fact that Olivia was dating her father, because Olivia made not only him happy but everyone else, too.

"Olivia wants to move in. She asked me if she could move in, but then told me to take some time to think it all through." Elliot replied.

"Why didn't you just blurt out yes?!" Kathleen exclaimed.

"I did, kid. But she told me to think it through. I also need to make sure that you three would be okay with it. We'd have six people living here, and one would be another sibling."

"Sissy?" Jacob asked, and Elliot turned to his son and smiled.

"Yeah, another sissy. Lilly would be here." Elliot spoke.

"Sissy!" Jacob exclaimed, as he looked around for the little girl he loved to play with.

"Jakey, she's not here. But soon." Maureen giggled.

"How soon?" Jacob mused as he kneed his tiny eyebrows together.

"I'm thinking this weekend. Does that work for you three?" Elliot asked.

"I wish they could move in tonight."


Elliot didn't even wait till the next morning to tell Olivia that the kids wanted her to move in. By Saturday, Elliot and the older girls were over at Olivia's to help her pack, while the sitter watched Jacob and Lilly.

Elliot was shocked to see that Olivia had barely any items for herself, but many for Lilly.

"Where are your knick-knacks?" Elliot asked as he helped Olivia to wrap up pictures and put them into a box.

"What?" Olivia asked.

"Knick-knacks! Like snow globes or tiny cat figurines." Elliot laughed. Olivia straightened her back before looking around her apartment. 

"I never really had any. And any small things that I had in DC, I left there."

"Why?" Elliot frowned.

"When I moved to DC, I left most things behind. Then when I moved back here, I didn't want to waste space with my shit, when Lilly had stuff she had to have." Olivia replied shyly. She was dating this man and moving in with him, but she still felt awkward around him sometimes. It was like when they first met, and Olivia didn't enjoy having to explain the things she does. 

"You are such a great mother." Elliot whispered as he stepped closer to Olivia. They shared a few kisses, before being interrupted by the girls.

"Liv?" Maureen asked.

"Yes, sweeties?" Olivia replied, as she wiped some of her lipstick off of Elliot's lips.

"Lilly's room is done!"

"Thank you! I really appreciate your help." Olivia smiled.

"We will do anything to get you to our house faster. Trust us." Kathleen giggled.

They finished packing up the apartment before moving things out to the truck they had rented. Before they left, Olivia went inside and did a walk through before grabbing any mail from her box.

"Okay, so who's driving the truck?" Elliot asked after he spotted Olivia.

"Um." Olivia whispered, after she stopped flipping through the envelopes in her hand.

"Babe?" Elliot asked. 

"I guess it's a good time for me to move."

"What do you mean? Like I'm glad you are moving in, but you lost all the color in your face." Elliot spoke.

"My mom sent me a letter... looks like she may get out soon because of over-crowding." 

"What?" Elliot asked. Kathy had only been gone for less than five years, but now her killer was getting out.

"I was thinking the same thing. I-i'm sorry, El." 

"I'll drive the girls home... you can drive the truck." Elliot mumbled.


Even if Elliot was happy to have Olivia and Lilly there with him and the kids, he wasn't excited about the whole Serena thing. He hadn't heard any news about Serena, so he was shocked to hear she was getting out.

"Hey, so I'm going to crash in Lilly and Jacob's room tonight. Lilly may not do good in a strange place, and I'd like to grab her before she wakes up the entire house." Olivia spoke nervously, as she poked her head into Elliot's room.

"I know that isn't the reason." Elliot spoke quietly. He was tired, sad, and angry. But right now, the tiredness was taking everything over.

"I feel bad, El. I had to break the news to you that my mother is getting released from jail. I read the letter again, and she said over-crowding and good behavior got her out. Elliot-"

"Tonight was supposed to be a good night, Liv. It's our first night together as a family, but it got ruined by that dumb letter." Elliot breathed. Olivia nodded slowly as tears burned her eyes.

"Do you think that what happened will mess things up?"

"Like your mother?"

"Yeah, like my mother. Do you think because she killed Kathy, that it's going to mess with our relationship?"

Elliot sighed as he patted the other side of the bed. Olivia padded towards the bed, before climbing in beside her boyfriend.

"I hate your mother, Olivia. Nothing will ever change that, especially since she stole Kathy from me and the girls... but I don't want her to fuck things up between us. As long as we ignore her and get rid of her letters when they come, I think we can do that. And anyway, she isn't getting released until June, anyway. Right?"

"Yeah, the day Kathy was killed." Olivia breathed, and Elliot nodded slowly.

"We have time to figure everything out. Until she's out, let's just focus on us. You, me, our kids."

"I'm sorry, El." Olivia spoke, as she slipped closer to her boyfriend.

"I'm sorry too, Liv. Especially because you had to deal with her your entire life... I just pray she stays away, because she doesn't deserve to meet Lilly."

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