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Olivia left once she broke the news to her mother about what had happened the night before. She went home to change before going straight out to Elliot's house to check in on him. When she got there, the driveway and all the parking on the sides of the road were full. Olivia had to walk awhile before eventually making it to her best friend's door.

"Hello?" An older man asked, when he answered the front door.

"Hi, sir. I'm Olivia Benson. I'm here to see Elliot." Olivia spoke.

"Let me ask." He replied, before shutting the door and going to find Elliot.

Before he could even return, the door was opened and Maureen stood there and looked at Olivia.

"Hi." She sniffled. Olivia squatted down quickly before wrapping her arms tightly around Maureen's small body.

"I am so sorry about your Mommy, Mo. She was an amazing woman, and I know she loved you so much." Olivia whispered, as she lifted Maureen up and held her tightly to her chest.

"I miss my mommy." Maureen whimpered as she clung to Olivia.

"I know, baby. I know she misses you too." Olivia breathed.

When the man came back, he was shocked to see Olivia holding onto Maureen, but he knew Elliot wanted her there, so he let her in.

Olivia kept a hold of Maureen as they walked into the kitchen where Elliot was supposed to be.

"Liv?" Elliot questioned, and Olivia gave him a shaky smile.

"Hey, El. How are you holding up?"

Elliot shrugged before moving to Olivia and hugging her and Maureen tightly. They stood there for a long moment before Elliot stepped back and told Maureen to go and find her grandmother. Then Elliot led Olivia into the backyard so they could have some time to themselves.

"Do you have any more information about the woman that killed Kathy?" Elliot asked, and Olivia frowned and nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I do. Uh, her blood alcohol level was .15, and she took a lot of fluids, a banana bag, and her stomach being pumped to even be able to talk this morning."

"You got to talk to her? How did Sergeant Bell let that happen?" Elliot asked with wide eyes.

Olivia sank down onto the stairs before letting out a small sigh. She knew that Kathy's death wasn't her fault, but she still felt guilty since it was her mother that took Kathy's life.

"Liv, who killed my wife?" Elliot whispered as he sank down beside Olivia.

"Serena did... my mom was drinking and driving and she took Kathy's life."


Elliot was definitely shocked when he heard what Olivia said. He was angry, and the only person he could take it out on was Olivia. So he stood there and screamed at her and said some pretty nasty things to her, especially a few about her miscarriage, before forcing her to leave.

Olivia was in tears when she left, and she didn't know what to do. Elliot hated her now, so she couldn't stay and spend time with him. Olivia also couldn't be with her mother, because Serena hates her just as much, if not more, than Elliot does.

So Olivia ended up back at the precinct. She went to her desk and pulled out some paperwork as tears burned her eyes.

"Benson, you should be with your partner and his family. Not here." Sergeant Bell spoke once he saw his officer at her desk.

"You need to find me a new partner, sir." Olivia spoke, her voice shaking as she brushed tears from her cheeks.

"Why? Is Stabler quitting?" Bell mused, and Olivia shook her head as tears poured down her cheeks.

"Stabler hates me... so I need a new partner, and soon. Please. I have to get back to working today, or else I will be in this cycle forever."

"Olivia." Bell breathed softly, and that just made Olivia cry more. She stood up quickly and ran from the building as her vision got even more blurry.

Olivia didn't make it far before her boss came to her side and grabbed her arm. He turned her around quickly before pulling her into a hug. Bell held Olivia for a while before she eventually stepped back.

"Running out like that was very unprofessional, sir. I am sorry." Olivia sniffled.

"Don't apologize. Uh, you need to go home. I'll drive you, and we can discuss getting you a new partner in a few days. I want you to take time off, because not only did Elliot lose Kathy... but so did you."


That night was a blur. Olivia knew that Bell had taken her back to her apartment, but then from there on she was so emotional that she didn't really realize what was happening until she woke up the next morning. She woke up in her bed, but the other side wasn't empty.

"Oh, my god." Olivia whispered, as she looked over at the man laying beside her. Olivia hesitantly lifted the sheet up, and she knew something bad happened since she was naked.

"What's wrong?" Bell yawned as he rolled over slowly. Olivia locked eyes with him, and Bell's eyes went wide.

"What did we do?" Olivia whimpered.

"I-" Bell stopped when he looked under the sheet and saw that he was naked too.

"We had sex, didn't we?" Olivia breathed.

"It's looking like it. I'm sorry-"

"No, don't apologize! I'm assuming that I said yes... we kissed and I know that. I guess that... I don't even know."

"We can't tell anyone about this, Olivia. We could both get in trouble. Sleeping with your boss... it could cause you to lose your job." Bell frowned, as he climbed out of bed and grabbed a pillow to cover himself up as he looked for his clothes.

"So I'd lose my job but you wouldn't?" Olivia huffed.


"No, Thomas. Don't even try. We fucked each other, and it happened. We can't go back now. So just leave. I won't say a damn thing, and you won't either. Because I can't lose this fucking job over you taking me home and comforting me all fucking night." Olivia spat, before she stood and stormed into her bathroom.

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