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Knowing that Serena was out now and knew exactly where they lived, life always seemed tense. Olivia always made sure to double check no one followed her home and that the windows and doors were always locked at night. Elliot made sure he blacklisted Serena at the girls' school and that the baby sitter always checked the cameras before she opened the door.

They tried their hardest to prevent any exposure to Serena, but they knew it probably wouldn't work. Why would it?

"How are the kids?" Elliot asked once his girlfriend returned from her lunch break. He was certain that she had either called the sitter or went out to the house to ensure that their four kids were doing well.

"They are good. Maureen is already getting her bag packed for our long weekend at the beach." Olivia smiled as she sat down at her desk.

"It'll be fun getting out of here for a while. No more trying to find Serena in a crowd as if she's Waldo." Elliot said with a weak laugh. 

His joke didn't go over well, and he watched as Olivia's face paled.


"Do you think she found out about our vacation? If she has, that means we will have to hide the kids in the beach house and not enjoy a damn thing." Olivia whispered, as thoughts of everything being ruined once again spun around in her head.

"How would she find out, babe? No one here talks to her, so unless she is stalking us-"

"Oh, my god. What if she is?" Olivia gasped, before she stood and quickly tried to escape to the squadroom. Elliot ran after her. He grabbed her by the waist before she could run down the stairs.

"Olivia, relax! She's not stalking us! I never should have said that, and I apologize for it! I get you are scared and on edge, but you can't be living your life like this! We have so many amazing things happening, and Serena shouldn't be able to ruin it! So please, my love... relax and trust me when I say she won't get to us. To our kids." Elliot spoke loudly as Olivia fought his hold.

"She destroyed me!" Olivia sobbed, as she finally gave up fighting.

"Olivia, you built yourself up from the ground. You fought all of your demons to get to where you are right now. If she had destroyed you, you wouldn't be here right now. You would have turned down everything I have offered you. Lilly wouldn't be here along with the family we are building together." Elliot spoke, as he gave Olivia a tight squeeze.

"Please don't leave me." Olivia whispered as she leaned against Elliot's body.

"Never, Liv. I promise."


Olivia had to do an emergency therapy session after work to relax herself enough. Then the next morning, she was ready for a long weekend with her kids.

"You look refreshed." Elliot smiled when Olivia came down stairs.

"I feel better." Olivia admitted softly.

"Not as tense?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah, I feel more relaxed. I'm excited about this weekend and everything we will do together."

"Maybe we should have gone alone... no kids and no distractions." Elliot grinned. Olivia blushed a deep red and shook her head.

"We need family time. You and I spend plenty of time together alone. That's why last month we had that scare..." Olivia trailed off.

"Hey, if that test would have come back positive, I would have been so excited." Elliot spoke.

"I agree, but we still aren't ready. Until I can full accept the fact Serena may just pop up randomly and fuck things up, I don't want to have another kid. I don't want to be stressed all the time and not be able to enjoy having a baby with you. Okay?"

"I guess... just please tell me when you are ready, because I'll be more than ready too." Elliot said with a soft smile.

"You will be the first to know. I promise." Olivia chuckled.


The family left at around noon and headed to the Hamptons. They found a house that they could rent over the weekend with plenty of beach access. When they arrived, the girls took off with the babies to explore.

The house was beautiful and so was the beach. For the first few days, everyone spent most of their time in the water or building sand castles. They spent so much time as a family that by the last night they were there, Elliot had the kids go to bed early so he could spend some alone time with his girlfriend.

"How did you get them to fall asleep so early?" Olivia asked as she and her boyfriend sat on the beach together.

"I bribed them." Elliot grinned.

"With what? Our kids never go to bed easily!" Olivia laughed as she looked over at Elliot.

"Candy, money, extra screen time. Whatever I bribed them with doesn't matter. I'm just glad we have time together."

"I'm glad too." Olivia whispered.

They settled close to each other and just watched the stars, and as the waves hit the sand.

"I love you." Elliot breathed as he held Olivia a little tighter.

"I love you too, El." Olivia replied.

"Liv, I have been thinking about us a lot lately. How even if things are stressful, we still manage to stay together and love each other. You are my absolute best friend, and I cannot imagine being with anyone else knowing that you are back here."

"El, what's bringing this on?" Olivia asked. She was worried that maybe Elliot did something, and he was saying super kind things to make up for doing something she wouldn't like.

"I did nothing bad, Liv. I have just been thinking about our future and what I'd like to see. Things really got crazy when we thought you were pregnant, and it made me realize that I'd like that soon. I'd like us to have a baby together and grow old together. I'd also like you to be my wife."

"Wife?" Olivia whispered.

"Yes, wife. Now, I guess you are probably realizing the reason we are hanging out here together."

"Are you proposing?" Olivia gasped.

"If I was, would you say yes?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded quickly.

"I would scream yes."

"Good, because I'm proposing." 

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