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Elliot sent his partner to get something to eat, so while she was gone, he went to check on Serena. 

"I want out of here!" Serena yelled, as Elliot carried a bottle of water and a pre-made sandwich towards her cell.

"You will head to the courthouse soon." Elliot replied, as he stopped in front of the door.

"And who the hell are you? I want to talk to my piece of shit daughter." Serena spat, as she gripped the bars tightly in her hands.

Elliot rolled his eyes before passing the bottle through the hole.

"Take this and sit down." Elliot sighed.

"Where is my-"

"Don't you dare call Olivia any more names. She is a great girl, and I am so thankful for her." Elliot grumbled.

"You probably only like her because you want what is between her legs! Make sure you get tested." Serena laughed bitterly, before going to grab the sandwich and water. Elliot dropped them to the floor before smiling.

"You are trash, Serena. Enjoy eating those off the floor." Elliot snapped.


A set of officers came and picked up Serena and a few other people before driving them to the courthouse. Olivia watched as Serena was driven away, before turning back and frowning when she saw Elliot on the steps.

"Why are you watching me?" Olivia questioned.

"Because your mother was in the van, and I worry about you. I know you could care less about her, but she is your mother." Elliot frowned. Olivia shrugged before walking up the stairs to where Elliot stood.

"I hope that she gets jail time. Fifteen days in the hole would do her good. Now, I'm going to grab my stuff and head to the courthouse."

Olivia walked into the precinct as Elliot followed her closely.

"Liv, why are you going there-"

"To make sure if she does get off, she doesn't run and get drunk. Don't worry, I'll keep my-"

"Olivia Benson, you aren't going there to stalk your mother!"

"It wouldn't be stalking! I'm her daughter, so I have a right to be there anyway!" Olivia huffed.

Elliot looked at Olivia for a moment before grabbing her arm.

"I'll follow you, okay? We can patrol afterwards. Okay?"

"I don't need a babysitter." Olivia grumbled.

"It's more of me keeping a promise my wife made me make."

"What?" Olivia asked.

"She wants me to take care of you and protect you. I can do that from the courthouse."


Olivia watched as her mother got only a warning. She had a clean record, surprisingly, so they let her off with a warning. If she got arrested again for anything, she'd be spending time in jail, no questions asked.

"See, I'm innocent." Serena grinned as she walked out of the courtroom and eyed her daughter.

"You are far from innocent, but keep lying to yourself." Olivia sighed. She was leaning against the wall as she tried to keep calm and collected, but it was hard when she was so close to her mother.

"The judge thought I was innocent, and I don't think judges are allowed to lie." Serena smiled, and Olivia couldn't believe how dumb her mother sounded.

"Sure... even if you are let off with a warning, you still need to obey laws and be careful. Especially since one more arrest and you will be heading to jail for more than fifteen days." Olivia sighed.

"No one will arrest me. I showed remorse." Serena grinned. She gave her daughter a jab to the stomach before moving to the elevator. Olivia followed closely behind and walked into the elevator with her mother.

They stood there for a while, before the elevator finally started to move.

"You lucked out today, and every time before." Olivia spoke.

"Excuse me? I was raped. I didn't luck out. Especially since I ended up stuck with you." Serena spat.

"Do you realize that beating me could have gotten you jail time? Killing my baby could have gotten you a lot of time in jail." Olivia breathed.

"You should be thanking me. You didn't want that bastard." 

"I wanted my baby, Mom. It's father and I had plans on starting a life together, but then you went and destroyed it! You watched as I miscarried my baby on the floor of our living room, and you didn't do a damn thing. I can't believe that you were even allowed to be a mother after how you treated me. And honestly... go get yourself arrest again. I don't care. Ruin your life, just like you ruined mine."


Elliot stood motionless on the side of the road as he watched the fire department try to pry the victim from the car. Elliot had been driving to meet Kathy for dinner, and he stopped to help during a car accident. Now he almost wished he hadn't.

"I got your call. What's happening?" Olivia asked, as she jogged to her partner's side. Elliot slowly turned towards Olivia, as he brushed tears from his cheek.

"Kathy's dead." Elliot breathed, and Olivia's eyes went wide.


"That is her van... I stopped to help and found out my wife is the victim." Elliot whimpered. He quickly clung to Olivia, and she held him close as he sobbed for his wife.

"El, I am so sorry... right now, I need you to go home. Or where ever Kathleen and Maureen are. Okay?"

"I can't leave her. She's my wife." Elliot whimpered.

"I know, love. But she won't be alone. I'll go with her, okay? And once you see the girls and talk to Kathy's mother, meet me at the medical examiner's office. I will wait with Kathy until you get there." Olivia breathed.

"I want whoever hit her... I want them to pay for her death. Because my little girls don't have a mother now because of them." Elliot spat.

Olivia walked Elliot to his car before moving back to the scene. She watched as an EMT looked Kathy over, but there was nothing they could do to her. 

"How's the other driver?" Olivia asked as she approached an officer.

"She has a few scratches, but she is alive."

"Was it just an accident?" Olivia questioned as she glanced around the scene.

"I could smell whiskey on her breath... so no, I don't think it was. I'm assuming she was drinking and driving."

Camo and Navy Blue [A Bensler Fan Fic]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ