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Elliot stared at his wife with wide eyes. He didn't expect to hear that he was going to be a father again, especially since they hadn't been trying to get pregnant. The last few months they had been so focused on the wedding that they hadn't even been thinking about how a few quickies could lead to a baby.

"Elliot?" Olivia asked softly. She was worried that her husband wasn't happy that she was currently pregnant with his child and had been for a few weeks.

"I'm sorry. Did you say I'm going to be a father?" Elliot questioned, his eyes still focused out on the ocean.

"Uh, yeah. I'm pregnant, and when we did the dirty... we conceived a child." Olivia breathed awkwardly. She looked out at the ocean and frowned. 

Olivia was just about to stand and go back into their room when Elliot's hand moved to her stomach. He gently caressed it before looking at Olivia and smiling.

"We are having a baby." He grinned.

"You are happy?" Olivia breathed, and Elliot nodded as he leaned over and kissed his wife.

"I am so happy, Liv. I cannot wait to see you all round, and to see that glow! We are having a baby!" Elliot exclaimed.

Olivia laughed as she stood and pulled her husband into a tight hug.

"I was worried that you were angry." Olivia whispered.

"I could never be angry about this, my love. Everything is falling into place... first we got back together, got married, and now we are having a baby. An adorable little squishable baby." Elliot said with a soft sigh. He couldn't wait to see what his child with Olivia would look like.


Their honeymoon was amazing, and they got to celebrate their marriage for probably the last time in a while. Especially since once they got back home, everything got hectic. They had to move houses since their house flooded and the damage was too much to just clean up. Then Elliot got hurt at work, so he was out for almost a month as he waited for his shoulder to heal. During all of this, Olivia was on desk duty and just counting down the days until their little one arrived.

Actually, their little ones. That was another thing that happened. At her twelve week appointment, a second baby finally moved out from behind its twin and gave its parents a view of them.

"Why are you so dressed up, Mama?" Jacob asked, as he watched his mother slowly walk down the stairs. Olivia smiled at her son as she smoothed the light purple dress she had picked out.

"I'm dressed up because today we are celebrating the babies." Olivia spoke. She reached out and smoothed her son's hair before moving to grab her shoes.

"Do I gotta go?" Jacob huffed as he crossed his arm over his chest. Elliot chuckled softly as he came downstairs with Lilly.

"No, you don't gotta go. But there will be cake." Elliot spoke. Jacob wasn't the happiest as of late since he was worried he'd be getting two more sisters and he didn't want more sisters. He also wasn't that happy about going back to school after Christmas break.

"Cake!" Jacob and Lilly exclaimed in unison.

"Yes, lots of cake! Now, if you wanna go buddy, you need to put on the clothes I laid out on your bed." Olivia smiled.

Jacob sprinted up the stairs as his older sisters yelled at him to slow down.

"I wish he'd be more excited about the babies." Olivia frowned as Elliot walked over and kept his arms around her waist as she slipped on her shoes.

"I know. But he's just a little boy. He also doesn't like the idea that his Mama doesn't have as much time for him." Elliot breathed.

Olivia frowned deeply as she watched her daughters sit on the couch together.

"I'll make more time for him... I just wish I had realized before."


Everyone met up at Bernie's house for the baby shower. Elliot's sisters showed up, along with the entire crew. Casey and Bernie had planned the shower, and just the decorations made Olivia tear up.

"Thank you so much." Olivia whispered as she hugged her friend tightly.

"Don't mention it, Liv. It was an honor to plan this party to celebrate you and the babies."

"Your godchildren." Olivia spoke, as she stepped back and wiped tears from her cheeks.

"I get to be their godmother?" Casey asked, and Olivia smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, Elliot and I decided a few days ago. You have been such an amazing friend over the years, and we love you so much. Our twins are lucky to have you in their lives." Olivia spoke.

Casey wiped tears from her cheeks before hugging her friend tightly again.

"I'm going to spoil them rotten." She laughed softly.

"I wouldn't expect anything less." 

They played a few games that even the guys enjoyed. As the party continued, they finally gave in and let everyone eat cake as Olivia opened her gifts.

Every gift was gender neutral since they decided to not find out what the babies were until they were born. 

"Thank you all so much for everything. Today has been incredibly fun, and I hate to end this... but Elliot and I have a place to be." Olivia smiled as she folded up one last baby blanket.

"Where do you have to go?" Bernie asked.

"We scheduled Olivia's c-section for today before this party was planned. So if you guys wanna stick around, feel free. We will call everyone once we finally get the chance to hold our babies."


Maureen ran to the phone when it rang a little after ten that night. Bernie had insisted that everyone stay so they could find out what the babies were all together. 

"Hello?" Maureen answered, her voice shaking softly.

"Hey, baby. It's Mama." Olivia smiled as she spoke.

"Mama, is everything okay? Are the babies fine? You?" Maureen questioned rapidly.

"The three of us are perfectly fine. Mind putting me on speaker so I can tell everyone?"

"Of course, Mama. I love you."

"I love you too, pumpkin."

There were a few moments before the phone was finally on speakerphone. Everyone gathered around as they listened to Elliot and Olivia speak.

"So, what did we get?" Casey finally asked, since she was tired of them talking around what everyone was excited about.

"Jacob will be happy. He is now not the only boy in our family. I just sent a picture to Casey of little Jasper Elliot and Tobias Michael." Olivia spoke.

There was so much shit that happened over the many years since Olivia met Elliot, but neither regretted it. Everything that happened was so worth it, since it led them to this point. 

The point where they were happy, completely in love, and the proud parents of six amazing kids.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this book! :)

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