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Olivia stayed by Kathy's side as long as she could. Eventually, the medical examiner sent her from the room, and Olivia waited in the hall until Elliot could show up. When he did, he was shaking and tears were still streaming down his cheeks.

"Where is she?" Elliot whispered as Olivia stood and moved to him.

"She's in with the ME. They kicked me out, and I'm so sorry I didn't keep my promise." Olivia frowned as she reached out and brushed the tears from his cheeks.

"N-no, don't apologize... uh, I need to see her. I called my Mom, and she is going to come and be with me. You should go home and-"

"I'm not leaving you here alone, El. Not after you just lost your wife. I'm your partner, for better or for worse, and I will stay here with you until your mother shows up. Okay?" Olivia spoke softly, and Elliot nodded hesitantly.

He let out a shaky breath before knocking on the door beside them. It took a moment before the medical examiner came and stood in front of them.

"Are you here to identify the body?" She asked, and Elliot nodded.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Okay. Go down the hall and into the viewing room. I will be there in a moment."


Once Elliot's mother arrived to sit with Elliot, Olivia left and headed to the hospital to interview the woman that killed Kathy. Olivia knew that another set of officers from their precinct went to see the other driver, but now it was her time to hear what happened in the moments before Kathy Stabler's life was taken too soon.

"Benson." Olivia's sergeant spoke when he saw her walk into the ER.

"Sergeant Bell, I guess you heard." Olivia frowned, and the older man nodded.

"I did. How is Stabler?" Bell asked. Olivia frowned deeply before shrugging slightly.

"Not great, sir. He just lost his wife and now is on his own raising two very young girls." Olivia sighed weakly.

"I am going to head over to his house to check in on him, but not until I make sure you go home. You can't be working this, at all." Bell spoke, and Olivia shook her head as she raked her fingers through her hair.

"Sir, this woman killed Kathy. She killed a twenty-five-year-old woman who had years ahead of her. She won't be able to watch her daughters graduate and get married, because this drunk decided to get behind the wheel and ram into Kathy's van. I need to see her, and I need to talk to her."

"This isn't only about Kathy Benson. This is about you too."

"Me? Kathy was my friend but-" Olivia got cut off, when she heard a familiar voice and the same slur of words that Olivia heard throughout her younger years.


"That is Serena Benson, huh?" Olivia whispered, as she felt a deep pain in her chest.

"Yeah, it is. So you can't be here, because she's your mother." Bell frowned.

Olivia looked at him for a moment before shaking her head. She moved past him and looked through the window and to where her mother laid. Serena was a little bruised, but she didn't look nearly as bad as Kathy did. 

"Then I'm not here as an officer, sir. I am here as her daughter... I won't try to fuck things up, especially because I loved Kathy more than I could ever love that woman." Olivia spoke.

"Are you sure?" Bell questioned, and Olivia nodded.

"Yes, sir. Now, please go and check on Elliot. I need to make sure he's good."


Olivia sat outside of the room her mother was in and she waited until Serena was sober before even going in. It was the next morning before Serena could even put sentences together.

"You are going to have fun in prison." Olivia spoke when she saw her mother wake up. Serena rolled her head to the side and sighed deeply when she saw Olivia sitting there.

"I'm tired of waking up and seeing your ugly face. Leave me alone." Serena grumbled.

"I am the spitting image of you, Mom." Olivia sighed. She leaned forward and looked her mother over before frowning.

"What am I even doing here? Because if you arrested me again, I should sue your ass for harassment." Serena huffed.

"I didn't arrest you, but another set of officers did. Do you remember drinking and driving last night?" Olivia questioned. Serena rolled her eyes as she tried to cross her arms over her chest.

"I didn't drink and drive." Serena spoke. Olivia laughed loudly as she stood and moved to the foot of her mother's bed.

"You were found behind the wheel of the vehicle that was a part of an accident. The other driver didn't make it. She's dead." Olivia replied.

Serena froze before hesitantly turning to look at her daughter.

"W-what?" She struggled to speak.

"Now you feel bad." Olivia grumbled.

Olivia moved back over and sat down before looking at her mother.

"I wasn't even that drunk. I-"

"You had a .15 alcohol level. They pumped your stomach when you got in, and you have gone through one full banana bag and a bag of fluids to get you to this point..." Olivia trailed off.

Serena looked at Olivia for a long moment before starting to cry. Serena didn't feel bad when she committed other crimes, like beating her daughter or causing Olivia to lose her baby. Now she felt bad, though. She killed a woman while drinking and driving, and she hated herself for it.

"Who was this lady? Does she have a family?" Serena whimpered.

Olivia nodded before pulling her phone out and showing her mother a picture of Kathy with Elliot and the girls.

"Kathy was only twenty-five. She had two little girls, Maureen and Kathleen, and she had a husband that was her soulmate. Kathy was an amazing woman. Now she's dead, because your next drink is more important than anything else." Olivia struggled to speak, since she was fighting off tears.

Kathy had accepted Olivia with open arms and made her feel like she had a family. Now not only did Olivia not have Kathy anymore, but Elliot and the girls didn't have her either.

And it's all thanks to Serena.

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