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Elliot didn't contact his fiancee the rest of the weekend. Olivia went to work on Monday, so she didn't get to talk to Elliot until she went home that night.

"Elliot?" Olivia called as she entered the front door of her home. It was late, and the kids were already sleeping, so Olivia was praying Elliot was up for talking.

"Please keep your voice down. The kids went down not that long ago." Elliot frowned as he walked from the kitchen with a beer in his hand.


"Yeah, hello." Elliot grumbled. Olivia swallowed hard before proceeding to put away all her stuff. Once she was done, she walked to Elliot and took his beer. She took a long sip from it, before passing it back.

"I get you are angry, but I did it for you. That doesn't make up for the fact I ignored your wishes, but just know I didn't do it for myself." Olivia breathed without even looking at Elliot. She kept her eyes locked on the TV, since that wasn't giving her a death stare.

They sat in silence for nearly half an hour before Elliot spoke. He reached over and grabbed Olivia's hand, his fingers intertwining with hers.

"I didn't want you going out there and get bitched at. I didn't want you to put yourself out there, just to be smacked down... you are an amazing woman, and I am thankful for you. For doing this for me... but I will not invite my mother to our wedding without thinking about it more."

"You'll need to think fast, El. We don't have that long."

"Eight months is long enough, baby. Until then, let's drop this. I haven't kissed you in several days, and I missed that. Ms. Benson, would you join me upstairs in our bedroom? Clothing is optional." Elliot smiled. Olivia finally looked at him before nodding slowly.

"I'd love too."


The couple continued to slowly plan their wedding. Their original date was pushed off and they had finally settled on June 5th of the following year. This date didn't give them a ton of time, but the kids would be out of school by then, and they planned on taking the kids on their honeymoon.

"The sitter is going to come over tonight and watch the kids." Elliot spoke, as he sank down at his desk. Olivia was busy looking through some evidence, so she wasn't really paying attention.


"Liv? Can you look at me with those beautiful brown eyes?" Elliot chuckled. Olivia hesitantly looked at him and smiled.

"Yes, Elliot?"

"Did you hear what I had said?"

"You wanted to see my beautiful brown eyes. See them? Good." Olivia smirked before looking back down.

"The sitter is watching the kids tonight. You and I are having dinner with my mother." Elliot sighed. Olivia looked up again and stared at her fiance.


"My mother called me this morning. She wants to talk to both of us and discuss things."

"Like, does she hate me again?" Olivia asked, and Elliot shrugged.

"I don't know. I do though." He teased. Olivia rolled her eyes before standing to fill her mug, and Elliot followed her closely.

"El, maybe you two should only discuss things. I said my piece, and I kinda wanna just go home and hang with the kids. If I can get Lilly sleepy enough, then I can cuddle her... she's been very independent lately." Olivia frowned as she sat the coffee pot back down.

"She's not as scary as she once was, Liv. Especially since you already put yourself out there to talk about things. To make sure she knew the real story, not what she had made up in her mind. So, as your fiance, you and I are going to have dinner with my mom. We will talk to her as a couple, because we have each other's backs. Okay?"

"I'm still so nervous."

"I am too, but we got this. If things get bad, we can storm out after flipping a table. Sound good?" Elliot grinned. Olivia laughed softly before stepping closer to Elliot. She placed gentle kisses on his lips, before hugging him tightly.

"I love you, El."

"I love you too, Livvie. More than you could ever imagine."


That night, Elliot and Olivia went straight to the bistro after work. Elliot didn't even allow Olivia to get home and change, because if she did, they'd never leave again.

"Hey, Ma." Elliot spoke softly as he walked up behind his mother. Bernie stood up from the table before hugging her son tightly. She held onto Elliot for dear life while Olivia nervously stood back.

"Thank you for coming, carrot. We needed to discuss things, and in person just makes the most sense." Bernie smiled before looking behind Elliot. She saw Olivia before giving her a small wave.

"It's good to see you, Bernie. The kids still talk about spending the weekend with you." Olivia breathed.

"I still talk about it too. Please, sit. We should talk." Bernie smiled.

They all ordered dinner and things to drink before Bernie questioned her son and future daughter-in-law about their wedding plans. They explained their change in date, before talking about what venue they wanted and how Olivia already went to try on dresses.

"Am I on the guest list?" Bernie asked softly. Olivia was sipping her wine, so Elliot got to answer that question.

"Not yet, Ma. We still need to discuss things... like, do you understand what Olivia told you is true?"

"You two never slept together when Kathy was alive or even shortly after she passed. I over reacted and messed everything up."

"The last time, when I ran away, that was Elliot's fault. Not yours." Olivia breathed.

"I just feel horrible. I didn't believe that a woman would only want to be Elliot's friend. That you would only want to help with the kids and even grieve Kathy's death with their help. I'm sorry, Olivia. Elliot, I'm sorry too. If I hadn't done that, you two may have been married by now."

They sat for a few moments before Elliot reached out to his mom. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently.

"You officially have a spot at the family table. Now all you have to decide on is if you want the fish or steak." Elliot grinned as Bernie started to cry softly.

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