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Elliot was angry when he heard Olivia say those words. He didn't like that Olivia said no to him, let alone that she made him feel bad for 'replacing' Kathy. In his eyes, he was just moving on and ensuring that his girls had a mother figure and he would eventually have another wife. But Olivia didn't feel the same way.

"Did Daddy come home last night?" Maureen yawned as she came downstairs and rubbed her eyes.

"He did, but he needs some time to himself right now. I am going to take care of you until he's feeling better." Olivia breathed, as she kept her back to Maureen and continued to make oatmeal for the girls.

"Liv, is it what I said?" Maureen asked, and Olivia swallowed hard and shook her head. She turned around and looked at the little girl.

"No, baby. Daddy is just having a hard time since it's been a year without your Mommy. He will get back to normal, eventually. Until then, we just need to be supportive."

"What's that word mean?"

"Supportive? Just be there for him, just like he is there for you. Give him lots of hugs." Olivia said with a shaky smile.


Since Elliot had holed himself up in his bedroom, Olivia had to stay to take care of the girls. By the time the girls had gone to bed for the night, Olivia had to at least say goodbye to Elliot.

"El?" Olivia asked, as she cracked open the door.

"Kath?" Elliot yawned, and Olivia swallowed hard as she blinked away tears.

"Elliot, it's Benson. I put the girls down for the night and the house is clean. There is a plate of food for you in the microwave. You just need to warm it up." Olivia spoke.

"Just go."

"I'm sorry that I am not ready to move in, but I want to make sure you won't regret having me here all the time. I work tomorrow, so if you need me I can come over after-"

"You keep accusing me of replacing my wife!" Elliot boomed, as he jumped out of bed and slammed the door open. Olivia stumbled back and tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Elliot, I-"

"Don't accuse me of things that you know aren't true! I love you, and I want you here with us! Kathy would want me to move on and be happy!"

"Are you sure? Because if you really think she'd want you to move on, then we should do this the right way. We shouldn't jump into living together when things aren't completely steady." Olivia whispered.

"I want you here, babe. I want you here with me and the girls... when you go home at night, it gets super hard because none of us can go to you for help. I need to sleep beside someone again, and it has gotta be you."

Olivia swallowed hard before hesitantly reaching out and placing her hand to Elliot's waist.

"I love you too, but we can't jump into this. Okay?"

Elliot sighed softly before shrugging.

"Maybe I won't be waiting around."


Olivia kept trying to contact Elliot, but he was being a dick and ignoring all her messages and calls. They still hadn't broken up, but that didn't stop Elliot from cheating on Olivia. Almost a month after the fight, Olivia went over to Elliot's house to figure out what was happening.

"Elliot?" Olivia asked as she unlocked the front door with her spare key. She didn't hear Elliot respond to her, so she shut the door and looked around. She went upstairs and didn't find the girls in their rooms, so she turned to Elliot's room.

Opening the door, Olivia found Elliot laying in bed with another woman. Both were stark naked and tangled up together. Elliot was sleeping with a smile on his lips, and Olivia couldn't believe how dumb she felt. Once again, she let him treat her like shit. 

"El." Olivia whispered, as she walked over to Elliot and shook him slightly.

"Ashley?" Elliot asked, without opening his eyes.

"Nope... I just came over to see what the hell has been going on with you... but clearly you have moved on without even telling me." 

Elliot turned his head and opened his eyes slowly. He locked eyes with Olivia before swallowing hard.

"What are you doing here?" Elliot whispered.

"I just told you, El. I came over to see what the hell you are doing, because you have been ignoring me. You don't have to tell me why, because I know why. You don't care about me anymore, and you are moving on with Ashley." Olivia frowned.


"I'm gonna go. I'll leave my key downstairs."

Olivia turned and walked from the room. Elliot swore quietly before stumbling out of his bed and hauling it down the stairs.


"What?" Olivia sighed as she turned around and looked at her ex.

"Don't leave... we need to talk."

"About what, El?" Olivia squeaked, as tears burned her eyes once again.

"I can't let you leave, babe."

"Don't you dare call me babe, especially since I just found you naked and in bed with another woman!" Olivia spat.

"Olivia, I love you!" Elliot exclaimed as Olivia let out a bitter laugh.

"No, you don't. This isn't love! Cheating on me isn't love! I deserve better than how you have been treating me! I really thought that this might be something real, but I was so fucking wrong that it's not even funny!"

"I was just so angry!" Elliot yelled.

"Angry at me? For saying that I wanted to take things slow?! So you fuck someone who would let you?! You... I fucking hate you, Elliot Stabler. First it was letting your mother change your mind and decide that I couldn't be a part of your life, then you assist in my break up with Bell... and now this. Now you cheat on me and think that saying you love me will change a damn thing. And for your information, it won't change! We are officially done. I don't want a damn thing to do with you, and I pray those girls won't hate you for making them lose me."

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