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Olivia really helped to pick up the slack, and she spent almost every night with Elliot and his daughters. She took Maureen to school and practices while also watching Kathleen when Elliot had something else to do. It felt like they were a small family, but Olivia kept any possible feelings in check because neither of them were ready to be more than friends.

"Why aren't you working with Daddy today?" Maureen asked as she walked through the grocery store with Olivia and Kathleen.

"Your Daddy is doing some special training tonight, so I volunteered to watch you two."

"I like when you watch us, Liv. It makes me happy." Maureen smiled.

They continued to walk around the store as Olivia grabbed the items that Elliot had written down on his list. They stopped for a long moment as Maureen begged Olivia for a muffin and then had to examine them before deciding.

"Excuse me." A man's voice spoke as he tried to get into one of the cold storage areas. 

"Sorry." Olivia spoke as she pulled the cart out of the way.

Olivia went back to focusing on Maureen, but her attention was drawn away when she finally looked at the man.

"Kevin?" Olivia asked softly. 

"Liv?" Kevin replied, his eyes wide with shock. 

The once madly in love couple hadn't talked or seen each other since Olivia miscarried their baby. They both had been so heartbroken that being together was just too much.

"I want this one! It's got a lot of chocolate chips on it." Maureen smiled as she turned around with her muffin in hand. 

She stopped and looked between Olivia and the man, before back to Olivia.

"Liv? Who is this?" Maureen mused.

It took a moment for Olivia to snap out of her shock, before looking at the small blonde in front of her.

"This is my friend Kevin... he's the Daddy of my baby." Olivia whispered. Maureen frowned before tossing her muffin into the cart and turning to the man.

"I'm sorry about your baby. Liv really misses it, just like you." She spoke softly.

"Uh, thanks... Olivia, I need to go. It's good seeing you."

"Yeah, it's good to see you too." Olivia whispered.


Olivia finished her grocery shopping before checking out and loading her car up. Once she had buckled the girls in, Olivia moved around to the driver's side.

"Olivia!" Kevin called, and Olivia stopped and turned to look at her ex.


"Who's kids are those?" Kevin asked, as he glanced into the backseat. When he had seen Olivia with two little girls, he had gotten a flash of what it would have been like if their baby had made it to term. If they had gotten married and expanded their family.

"My partner's."

"Are you gay now?" Kevin asked, and Olivia laughed weakly and shook her head.

"No, I'm very much straight. But I'm a cop now and these are my partner's kids. Uh, his wife got killed last month, and I have been babysitting and cleaning his house."

"Oh, shit..." Kevin trailed off awkwardly.

"Uh, I need to get the girls home. Just know that I have been thinking about you since everything happened. Especially after what happened with my mother. I still care a lot about you, and I miss you." Olivia spoke.

Kevin bit his lip before nodding slowly.

"I miss you too. It's just so hard to be around you after what had happened, ya know? Like, our baby would have been six."

"Kevin, I know that things are still rough between us... but can we meet up to talk? I have some things that I need to say and you are the one that needs to hear them." Olivia breathed.

Kevin shook his head before turning and walking away. He stopped at the end of Olivia's car before turning back.

"Actually, yes. We should meet up and have some coffee. I'll give you my number and call me when you are ready."


Olivia waited until the weekend before asking to meet up with Kevin. While Elliot and his family were at church, Olivia went out to breakfast with Kevin. She brought the baby book that they had been making for their child, because she didn't know if he'd want it or any of the sonograms.

"I ordered you a black coffee." Kevin spoke once Olivia arrived at the restaurant and sat across from him.

"Thanks, Kev. It is still my favorite." Olivia smiled nervously.

They sat and caught up a bit, before Olivia eventually grabbed the baby book from her bag.

"I dug this out of my closest when we decided to meet up. I don't know if you want it or anything in it... I just wanted to look at it with you." Olivia breathed.

"Did you ever find out what our baby was?" Kevin asked, as he took the book from Olivia and flipped it open.

"No, but the envelope is still in there."

"We should look then." Kevin smiled weakly.

He flipped through the baby book for a few moments before he eventually found the envelope. He flipped it open and pulled out the piece of paper. Kevin hesitated, before opening it and closing his eyes tightly after he read the paper.

"Kev?" Olivia asked nervously.

"We were going to have a son..."


Olivia and Kevin went their separate ways just minutes after finding out the sex of their baby. When Elliot got home that night after dropping the girls off with his mother, Elliot found Olivia on the front steps of his house. She was incredibly numb after the day she had, and she didn't want to be alone.

"Olivia, is everything alright?" Elliot asked as he walked up the path.

Olivia pushed herself up before reaching out to Elliot. She clung to him as she sobbed into his shoulder.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Elliot cooed gently, as he rubbed her back gently.

"I was going to have a son." Olivia sobbed.

"What?" Elliot asked. Olivia leaned back to look at him as large tears streamed down her flushed cheeks.

"Kevin and I looked today... we met up and talked, then we found out. I was going to have a little boy..."

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