•Chapter 22

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July 10th, 1537, Westminster Abbey/Palace

I looked ahead with my head held high as I made my way up to my throne.

That morning I was awakened early by my chambermaids who had to prepare me for the coronation.

I was hoisted into a stark white dress. My long brown hair was loose down my back.

It was an English custom to dress their Queens in white and let their hair down, which meant they were clean, at their coronation, and I had therefore kept to it.

I put on a necklace with the red and white rose that was the sign of the house of Lancaster and York, the sign of the Tudors.

I was now a Tudor queen. The Queen Consort of England, France and Lady of Ireland.

I knew my ladies-in-waiting walked behind me. Giulia wore the long train that draped over my shoulders, and behind her were Clarice and Bianca.

I looked at Henry sitting on his own throne with his crown on his head. He smiled at me and I tried to smile back but my nerves overpowered me.

When I finally arrived at the dais, I climbed the three steps and sat on the throne.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, some man who was also against the Pope, placed the orb and staff in my hands.

"I hereby crown Lady Lucrezia De'Medici as Queen of England. May God save her."

He placed the heavy crown on my head and I felt the weight of the crown pressing down on my neck.

"God save the queen! God save the queen! God save the queen." Everyone imitated him.


Back at the palace, a banquet was held in the main hall.

Henry and I sat on the dais behind a large table where also the Lady Mary, Charles Brandon and his wife Catherine Brandon, Cromwell and Sir Francis Bryan.

"I've been thinking, what do you think of traveling across the country instead of going to Greenwich Palace? I have received invitations from many lords to visit them. I know you have seen little of the country in your year in England." said Henry. I smiled "I would love that. Where are we all going if I may ask?"

Henry smiled at my curiosity. "We'll go to Charles's house, westhorpe hall, the Seymour's house in Burbage, Windsor castle, whitehall Palace, probably we'll also go north and then return to Hampton court again in September."

"That sounds like quite a journey. I'm looking forward to Henry." I smiled gratefully and then placed my hand on his "will you visit my bed tonight?" I asked softly. Henry nodded and then kissed my hand.

I looked around. My ladies-in-waiting sat behind the tables under the dais, as did the rest of the court.

Music was played in the background and the hall was first filled with the sound of laughter.

I was finally queen and Henry began to warm to me. It won't be long until I'm at the peak of the land.

My time had come.

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