•Chapter 41

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August 8th, 1540, Greenwich Palace

"Your Majesty, rest." Giulia said as she massaged my shoulders. I sat on the large window seat in my audience room. My ladies-in-waiting sat in the corner of the room, all embroidering.

After I left Henry's study, I went straight to my rooms where I wrote a short letter to Caterina. I sent the children back to the nursery where they would be further assisted by their governesses and nannies.

"There has to be some way I see Henry on the side of Spain." I said softly as I stroked my stomach. "Why do you insist that the king choose Spain? Is this because of what Charles did in Italy at the time or is there more to it?"

I sighed. "Of course it's because of what he did at the time, but also because Spain is the best ally. They have wealth, more than England has."

Giulia thought. "If that is the case, you must indeed persuade the King before Cromwell poisons his mind. Can't you ask the Lady Mary to put in a good word, she is nevertheless the cousin of the Emperor and his wife."

"Yes, they are cousins. Mary is coming to court tonight, I will ask her then. In the meantime I will insist on Henry and perhaps write a letter to Charles myself."

Giulia shook her head. "You have already written to France, if you are now also writing to Spain, that would be suspicious. We don't even know whether Cromwell still reads your letters or not. You'd better speak to Ambassador Chapuys in person."

I nodded and slumped back.


"Make way for the lady Mary Tudor." The footman announced.

It was several hours later and Henry and sat in the throne room surrounded by the children to welcome the Lady Mary.

The kids almost jumped up and down when their Mary saw walking towards us.

Mary made a curtsy "Your Majesties." She said. "Mary, welcome back my daughter." Henry said as he stood up to hug her.

I also got up to hug her. "I'm glad to see you again Mary, I missed you."

"I am very happy to be with you again, Your Majesty. And especially my younger brothers and sister." She looked at the children standing next to me. "Come and greet your older sister children." She said as she knelt down.

The children immediately ran into her arms. They loved the lady mary so much, it was truly beautiful to see.

The sight made me laugh. They had their arms wrapped tightly around Mary.

"Children, you are almost choking her." I said laughing. Henry laughed too. "Come on kids, let go of your sister. She's probably exhausted from the journey and it's time for your lessons." He said, gesturing to the nannies for them to take the kids with them.

After the children had been taken by the nannies and Henry left for a council meeting, Mary and I went to my rooms where we would catch up.

"How is it here in the palace? And my father and siblings?" Mary asked, naming her place. I stood by the window and looked at the gardens. "As you may know, there is a threat of war between England, France and the Ottoman Empire. The king is very tense and so do I." I said.

I turned and gestured to giulia. She understood this sign and led all the ladies-in-waiting out of the room so that Mary and I were alone.

I sat across from Mary and placed my hands over my stomach. "I need your help." I said with a serious expression.

Mary looked at me with concern. "What can I help you with?" him of this alliance and as you know your father listens to every word that Cromwell says."

"Yes, that's been known all over the country. They call Cromwell the second king." Mary said, annoyed. "He poisons the king's mind and if I could I'd pluck him from his side and burn him at the stake."

I nodded in agreement. "I want you to try and persuade your father to ally with Charles. I know this could be dangerous for you but I beg you, for the future of James and the rest of your siblings , please do this." I looked at her begging

"I'll do my best. But we need to get rid of Cromwell, this is going too far." Mary said

"Agree, there are a lot of people who hate Cromwell. It won't be long before he reaches his demise, I can swear."

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