•Chapter 43

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August 27th, 1540, Greenwich Palace

"Open this door right now!" I shouted angrily.

It was now three days later and I hadn't seen Henry in all those days. He hadn't left his rooms in those days either, and I was beginning to feel like he had a mistress.

It wouldn't surprise me in any case, I was pregnant and couldn't please him in the bed the way he would like.

"Your Majesty, please return to your own quarters." said the footman almost pleadingly. Giulia and Clarice standing behind me grabbed my arms but I pulled myself free.

"Henry! Let the me in!" I shouted angrily. "Damn you Henry."

"Your Majesty please, you are pregnant this is not good for you." Begged Giulia.

I turned angrily to her. "Yes and then what? How can anyone refuse his own wife like that?" I turned back to the door and the footman. "If you don't let me through that door right now I'll hit my head against the pillar and I and the child in me will die on this floor and then the king will have not only your head but that of your family!" I threatened him.

He looked at me doubtfully and turned me to the pillar that stood a little further.

"Your Majesty no!" cried the footman, he opened the door of the room.

I looked briefly at giulia and Clarice and then walked into the room.

The audience room was filled with several doctors bent over on different books.

"What are you doing here?" I asked startled but I did not wait for the answer and immediately went into the bedroom.

Henry lay on the bed. His body was covered by a blanket but his leg stuck out.

Cromwell and Charles Brandon stood by the bed.

They looked at me startled and bowed. "Your Majesty what are you doing here?"

I ignored them and went to the bed.
The leg sticking out from under the blanket had a big bulge with pus coming out and smelled awful.

Henry himself seemed to be in a deep daze, shaking his body now and then but keeping his eyes closed.

I turned to Charles and Cromwell. "How long has the king been like this?" I asked. "Since a few days, Your Majesty." Said Cromwell.

"And why didn't I know about this." I hissed at him, I gave him a deadly look.

"It seemed better to me in connection with your pregnancy." he answered.

"Yeah, who ruled the country when the king was sick? Probably you. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a way to get to power." I turned to Charles. "What do the doctors say? How is his condition?"

Charles had a tense expression. "It's serious, very serious. They have to cut open the bump but there are risks involved. Someone has to make the choice"

"I assume I have to make that choice as queen?". Charles nodded.

I sighed tensely. "What kind of risks are there?"


I put my hand over my eyes because I felt myself getting light.

What if Henry died? James would be king but who would be his regent? Had he chosen Cromwell or perhaps Charles?

Could I risk letting the father of my children die like this?

But I also had to think about the power I could get if something went wrong. I could finally do my duty to my uncle.

But Henry was my husband anyway and I had come to love him.

But what if I leave Henry like this, there's a chance he'll have to stay in bed for the rest of his life. He wouldn't have wanted that.

It was a difficult choice but I made it.

"I made the choice Charles, call the doctors."

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