•Chapter 31

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December 7th, 1537, Hampton Court

There was a short knock at the door, and a servant of the king stepped in and bowed.

"What brings you here?" Clarice asked curiously, I smiled at her curiosity.

"The King's Majesty has made a list of the new ladies-in-waiting who will be joining your court, and he has also asked me to inform you that his elder sister, the dowager queen of Scotland, will be visiting court with her daughter for the holidays." Said the servant, I nodded to indicate that he could leave and he bowed.

I sighed. More things to look out for for the holidays, and then those new ladies-in-waiting I'd asked for. Henry claimed it was important that I have a large court, one worthy of serving the Queen of England, but I thought it was nonsense.

I was used to being served by Giulia, Clarice and Bianca and wanted to keep it that way.

"Read it for me please."

Clarice opened the letter.

"Lady Catherine Carey, daughter of Sir William Carey and Lady Mary Boleyn, 15 years old. Lady Catherine Howard, daughter of Lord Edmund Howard and the late Lady Joyce Culpeper, aged 15. Eleanor Brandon, bastard daughter of Lord Charles Brandon, 16 years old. They will serve as maids-in-waiting." She read

I shook my head. "These are literally children, my God."

"They're not much younger than you otherwise. You've only been 19since May, Lucrezia. You have 3 years difference with Eleanor. And by the way, that's not what you need to worry about, what you need to worry about is the fact that Anne Boleyn's niece and Elizabeth's cousin will be your lady-in-waiting." said giulia.

That was true. Catherine Carey was indeed the daughter of Mary Boleyn who herself was the sister of Anne Boleyn. Why would the king want a relative of his old wife.

Even Catherine howard was related to Anne. Someone higher up must have been able to beg the king because I'm sure he would never do this voluntarily.

"Well write a letter to the families of the young ladies on my behalf. Write them what to bring and also write that I expect them in three days." I said as I got up. "I'm going to the nursery."


Arriving in the nursery I saw that James was sleeping peacefully in his crib.

I walked over to the crib and stroked his chubby cheeks with my finger. James was already 6 months old and could crawl.

It wouldn't be long before his little brother or sister, who would be born in May, joins him in the nursery.

"Did he sleep well last night?" I whispered to the nanny standing in the room.

"Not very much. His teeth are coming through which makes him very restless at night. In the afternoon he sleeps a little better and he still eats voraciously." she whispered softly.

I nodded "take good care of him then." I walked away from the crib and left the room.

On the way back, I passed the room where Elizabeth was taking her class and peered in through the crack in the door.

Elizabeth sat at the table with a book in front of her. Her teacher read something and Elizabeth imitated him.

Poor Elizabeth, she had none but me and her father.

One day she would wonder what had happened to her mother. Who should answer those questions? Henry? I?

I didn't know her mother personally and Henry would only say bad things about her.

I closed the door and continued to my own rooms.

"Guilia." I said as I walked in. "Write the Lady Mary Boleyn. Tell her I want her to come to court with her daughter, I need to speak to her."

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