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Act 3 Chapter 123JAYLAH

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Act 3 Chapter 123


She threw a glance over her shoulder to find Adrik pursuing her. Sighed. Without a word, she pulled him into a side room where they would not be overheard by the Navrikans congregating outside the dining area as the decapitated head was removed.

He was positively stricken. "Is that... Was that woman...related to my father?"

"That was your father's daughter from another woman he was unfaithful with. And she was three years your senior."

She watched as the information sunk in. His face was white, so white. "So...that means...you knew. You were walking with her earlier, but I didn't recognize the likeness then. I understand now: you brought her here to expose my father."


"Tell me you weren't the one to kill her. My...sister."

"I had to," said Jaylah, suddenly defensive. "Your father had her maimed so that she would not reveal what he did to her. I put the poor girl out of her misery."

Adrik blinked at her harsh language. He was nervously clasping and unclasping his hands. "If she knew I was her brother, did she want to meet me? Did she want my mother and father's marriage to break?"

"Your parents' marriage was already built on a lie. Is it not fair that everyone knows of your father's shame?"

"I mean... I cannot say. He might be a handful but he is still the supreme leader of our nation. Any blow to his reputation is a blow to our people."

Jaylah's tone was perfectly flat as she said, "That man has done nothing but terrorize and degrade me, and yet you take his side."

"No!" He held up his hands. "I do not want any part of this cold war between you two."

"Then he really keeps you in the dark on all his schemes?" Jaylah gave a disbelieving scoff. "You may have been forced into this marriage, but you entered on different ground. The parameters were set by your father. If you truly want no more of this, you will command him to stop this madness and simply allow the war slaves to reenter Navrika."

"You think he will listen to me? I can't."

Jaylah's resolve hardened to iron. "Are you your father's son, Adrik? Are you in this engagement for my crown?"

"Of course not," he was quick to say. "Power may be nice, but I will not hurt you to get it."

"But you still want mine."

"I don't." He shook his head. "I'm starting to see what power does in the hands of the wrong people."

Did he mean her? Did he mean her? "If you had to choose between the two of us, you will always stay at his side," she spat. "You are a slave to your father's approval. After all that he has done to me, you are still not moved."

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