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Act 1 Chapter 1JAYLAH

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Act 1 Chapter 1

I feared I would not be able to do it.

Letting out a slow breath, I laid eyes on the daunting cliff face before me. For now, I stood with both of my feet planted on the forest floor. However, once I was up there, one wrong move meant I would be plummeting to an early death.

However, this was the only way to my destination that would not take days. It was necessary that I scale the bluffs. So, ignoring the wise inner voice that was warning me this was a foolhardy idea, I sheathed my small knife and began to escalade up the masses.

Even when the sharp spikes of vines cut into my skin, I did not let go. My muscles burned as I hoisted myself up over the seemingly endless wall of debris. More than once, my hands slipped on a smooth edge and my heart skipped a beat. But I would not fall; dying here was not an option.

I had a job to accomplish.

Finally, I made it to the top, heaving myself over the jagged edge. My body screamed for rest, especially because it was the dark, early hours of the morning and I had been venturing out here for an entire day already. But I wouldn't let myself have the rest I craved. Brushing myself off, I surveyed the landscape around me.

The forest was lush and green, filled with exotic flowers and their sweet perfumes. The night sky was hardly visible through the canopy of leaves growing from trees that seemingly touched the heavens. Even though the place seemed quiet and peaceful, I kept my hand on the hilt of my knife. Who knew what beasts were watching me at the moment, in wait for the perfect moment to pounce? I was one woman against the might of the creatures I grew up hearing stories about—horrible monsters that lived all throughout these mountains, if the legends were to be believed. Every rustle of the leaves sent shivers down my spine.

Though I was wary of the dangers of being in the forest all alone, I could not help but let my mind wander a bit. How would they receive me? I had known this day would come for ages, but now—as I walked to my old home—I wondered if it had been an unwise idea to go back. The horrors that had taken place there had not left me.

Shaking my head to dissipate my poisonous thoughts, I knew deep down that I had been gone too long. But now, I was returning. And I was not going to run this time.

No longer was I a weak child.

After a little longer of walking, the thick forest opened up to a cliff with a view of almost the entire west side of the island. The ranging Ithara Mountains in the center of the island of Oceana were so mighty and elevated that I could even barely see the ocean—sparkling droplets of the moonlight—that gave the nation its name. It spread as far as the horizon line and then farther beyond that. I suddenly felt incredibly small.

This island was massive, and I was just one person. It was strange to think that it was all mine—I no longer had to share.

I took a moment to stare at the natural beauty of the island and then began walking north along the cliffside. Klymene had told me that if I kept close to the bluffs I would eventually find a safe way down the edge of the mountain range. But as I looked down at the cliffs, I found myself wishing to be back by the wall of rocks, which was infinitely smaller in comparison.

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