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"Where do I put these?" Steve asked, holding up the plate of conchas that were neatly stacked. Elenara looked up towards him, sitting on the floor with her legs crossed.

"Put one in front of all of them." She pointed towards the table. There was three levels to her altar. A small table on the ground signified the underworld, the middle table was the earth and the last was the sky.

The ofrenda had a vibrant collision of colors. The table cloths had purple, blue, and pink that immediately catches your eye. Marigolds littered the tables and they made a sun out of the flowers and hung it on the wall.

"Clint, put that back." Natasha scolded.

"How dare you take my old man's sweet bread." Tony added.

"I'm sure you can wait a little longer." Bruce added.

"Elenara made more!" He defended.

"We can eat once we're done with the ofrenda. It won't take long." Clint sighed and placed it back on the plate. She sent him a smile and went back to her work.

Natasha placed a large vase full of water in the middle table and began to place Aztec marigolds around the plates of food and picture frames.

Papel picado was hung by Bruce on the walls that they had worked on the day before. There was a few that had skulls and a vast majority had intricate designs that they cut.

Tony looked at the bottle of whisky he had in his hand and proceeded to fill a glass with it, setting it beside his father's picture.

Elenara was fixing the decoration on the lowest table level. A few sugar skulls sat around and clay bowls held some salt inside.

She stood up, taking a few steps back to see the full thing. The goddess sighed im happiness, content with how beautiful their altar looked. Steve had pictures of his parents that he added in to the altar.

Clint had his parents, but he was hesitant to include his abusive father. In the end, he added a picture frame for him.

Like Clint, Bruce had an abusive father and he deeply resented him for murdering his mother. Brian Banner received no offerings from him and his spirit won't be joining him. Bruce only placed a picture of his mother on the first table with a piece of banana bread beside her.

Tony also had his parents sitting beside each other. A glass of Howard's favorite whisky was in front of him along with sweet bread and many marigolds. His mother had wine, and her favorite flower; daisies.

And Natasha. . .

She didn't add anyone to the altar. She never knew her parents. The red head didn't know if they were dead or alive. She felt a bit out of place, like she was intruding on a special moment between the team and their passed loved ones. So she kept her distance and sipped on her atole.

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