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My room was a disaster. I stared at the piles of clothes lying flat on the ground. I couldn't pick a dress for the party tonight. For crying out loud It's Halloween. Why do I always have nothing to wear when it comes to things like this?

Sometimes I wish I had some kind of superpower that could easily change my dress into something I like exactly what happened in Cinderella.

I need help if not Stella is gonna kill me. This would be the third time she'd invited me to a party and then most of it I successfully declined it this particular one won't be like others. Stella isn't going to allow that to happen.

I sat on my bed with a thud. Why am I always like this? Is this why I don't have guys fawning over me? I'm always unlucky. Stella is far better than me. She's pretty and sexy. All the guys always go for her and not me.

I let out a sigh trying not to dwell on that. We are two different people with different tastes but I'll agree that I need a change. I need a change or life and environment.

I got up and went to ask Mom for help. She's always good when it comes to things like this.

I sauntered downstairs only to be greeted with the aroma of her delicious food. I inhale the scent. It can drive one crazy, joking.

Mom smiled when she caught sight of me "Aren't you ready for the party?"

I pouted " I don't have anything to wear. I don't even know who I should dress as"

Mom off the heat and turned her whole attention to me "Shouldn't you have figured out what to wear since yesterday?"

I knew she was right, I should have prepared myself before today "What do you have me do Mom? You know I don't always have time these days" I said and picked up an apple.

She shook her head "You can't be serious. Young lady, need I remind you that Stella will be here any moment from now?"

I rolled my eyes "Mom! That's why I'm here for your help. We are already wasting more time having this talk"

" lead the way"


" Finally!"

Mom chuckled as she helped tidy my room up. I picked up the dress and inspected it myself.

We spent twenty minutes looking for a suitable dress and we finally found it. I decided to go as a sexy nurse. The idea feels entertaining. I can't wait to be dressed as one.

" This will look good on me Mom," I said excitedly

She nodded "It will. Go change already" She pushed me and I giggled. I was excited and my adrenaline was pumping eager to be at the Halloween party already.

Mom went back to the kitchen as I also began to change into the attire. I put on a short dress, much shorter than the dress someone like me will put on. There is always a first time for everything.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror and couldn't be more wowed by how I looked. This will surely drive a lot of guys crazy but on second thought, I'm only doing this for my happiness and not to attract anyone. Yeah right.

My figure was visible through the dress. I was blessed with my mom's shape. I have the right figure in the right place. I smiled loving that whole Halloween idea. Just when I was about to put on my heels, I heard a loud honk almost knocking me off the ground.

I winced trying to stand straight.

" Honey, Stella is here!"

Mom yelled from the kitchen. I hurriedly pick a coat to cover up my dress. I gave myself one last look before heading out of the room. My heel made a sound with every step I took. This will surely be the best Halloween party ever.

Mom was already waiting for me " She's in the car waiting"

I nodded " I'm going now " I kissed her on her cheeks

" Damn girl! You look good"

" Mom" I drawled out

" I'm only stating the fact, hurry up already before she breaks down the door to get you" Mom teased.

I waved and left the room.


Stella was already out of the car when I got out. She was resting her back on the car while I got out. She glared at me playfully and I smiled apologetically.

" I'm sorry"

" Oh please " she rolled her eyes

I laughed " Are you really angry?"

" Of course I am. I've been waiting for you for over an hour now " she stressed.

" Okay, I'm sorry"

She rolled her eyes at me then gave me a once look " What are you dressed as?" She asked wiggling her brows. She couldn't see it because of the coat I was wearing.

Stella was dressed as a devil, a sexy devil. She did rock the outfit.

" Please tell me, Ella. I want to know " she pouted.

" Let's go already, remember we're already late" I reminded.

She rolled her eyes but still listened. She got into the driver's seat while I sat beside her in the front.

She inserted the key and the car came to life. Stella is a crazy driver, I always have a heart attack anytime she drives.

"Please slow down " I pleaded.

She smirked "Have you forgotten that I'm a devil? We don't slow things off that easily so dear embrace yourself for the drive"

She does act like a devil "Just slow the fuck down" I screamed when she was moving with so much speed.

I held on tight to my seatbelt, my eyes tightly closed. Her laughter filled the whole car scaring me even more.

" Are you crazy Stella?do you want to get us killed ?"

She smiled with her eyes still on the road "It's Halloween babe, expect the worst "

Is she crazy or something?

" Just don't get up killed please ...ah"

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