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This goes nothing, I pushed the door and went in. Deep blue eyes turn to look at me. He smiled so wide that one could easily swoon.

Zion isn't here yet. Could this be his plan of getting me to talk to Alex?

Alex got up " Look who we have here "

I rolled my eyes " Oh please just say what brought you here. As you can see I was busy"

A pained look crossed his face  "Please just listen to me "

I folded my arms starting at him with a straight face"  I'm all ears"

" At least have your seat. I don't bite"

." oh please, knowing that you are a monster of course you bite. " that was harsh I know.

Alex showed no emotion " Are you for real?"

" Did I say anything wrong? Aren't you a monster?"

I planned to rile him up but he wasn't moved at all. He looks neutral and it's annoying.

Alex sat down on the chair. He rubbed his face out of frustration. He exhaled " I knew nothing about your kidnap"

I snorted so loud " I'm not a little girl to believe your lies. Look, Alex, no matter what you say I still won't believe you"

" Please have your seat so that we can talk" he pleaded.

I frowned but sat down " So what now?"

" Yes, I know that you are Zion's mate. But I never knew that he'd plan to kidnap you. If  I had known I wouldn't have allowed him to do that to you"

" Now what's the excess of this meeting? Are you here to clear your name or what?" I went straight to the point.

" Of course not, I'm not here to just clear my name. I'm here for something much more important" he sounds serious.

I gave him a quizzical face. What was so important?" What Is it?"

" It's about you, Ella"

Why is he trying to get me more confused? " Just go to the point please"

He looks so serious "It's about your parents"

My heart skipped a bit hearing that. I hope mom isn't in some kind of danger " What is it about them? Did anything happen to Mom?"

He shook his head " No, none that I know of. Most importantly, what I want to talk about with you is concerning your father "

" My father is late," I told him. That was what Mom told me since I was little.

Alex looked thoughtful but didn't say anything " Have you seen any pictures of your dad before?"

I nodded " Yes, Mom showed me this particular picture of him but it's been a long," I said. Why are we even talking about my parents

Alex picked out something from his pocket. It was a little passport photo. A black and white photo. He showed it to me "Is this him?"

I stared at the picture, it was a picture of that. I recognized him "It's him"

A shocking look crossed over Alex's face " You're sure about that?"

I nodded " Yes I know my dad well"

He swallowed then put the picture back into his pocket " Ok"

I got up immediately" What is this about? Why are you asking about my dad? Is there something I need to know? Please tell me "

" It's nothing you should worry about. I was only asking because I saw this picture in my family album so I thought of investigating who he was and then the photo led to you. Didn't mean to get you worried. " he got up.

I don't know why I find it hard to believe him. Alex must be hiding something and I need to find out what that is.

" Is that why you came to see me? That's it "

He nodded his head " Yes that and I also came to check your well-being immediately after I heard about you living here "

" Okay, so now what? Are going to help me out of here?"

He looks guilty " I wish I could but it's too late "

" Please Alex, you are my only last wish. Help me out of here. I need to see my mother. She must be worried sick looking for me " I pleased holding his hand.

Alex looks pitifully at me " In my opinion, I'll advise you to stay here Ella. A lot has been going on outside this place. So many things are happening out there which you don't know "

He is scaring me now "Has something bad happened to Mom? Please I need to go see her. Please don't do this to me, Alex. What happened to my mom, please tell me " I cried out.

He regretted saying what he said. I'm sure Zion instructed him not to say anything to me but he slipped off and said something. Mom must be in danger.

" look Ella, it's not what you think. Your mom is fine and, looking for you "

" But I'm right here. Why can't you talk some senses into your friend's head so I can be set free? I can't stay here any longer "

" Please don't make this hard for both of us. You are fine here Ella. You'll be sent home very soon but you need to give Zion time. He needs time to sort things out"

I was furious " Time you say?! How much longer do you want me to keep waiting?  I don't have much time left Alex. I have a lot of things going on in my life. I need to be me again. Please you're the only one I can trust at this moment. They all don't like me here. His mother hates me and worst I heard that his girlfriend is coming back. I'm not his type, why can't you see that "

My last sentence made him laugh " Who said Zion's girlfriend was coming? "

I pouted " I heard the maids talking about it while I was on my way here "

" Goodness, Sandra isn't Zion's mate," he smirked

"Oh, that's her name?"

He nodded " Yes"

" Who is she then? From what I heard she still holds a place in Zion's heart "

" Stop listening to the wrong news. That's a lie, Ella. Sandra is Hailey's junior sister. She is only coming here to pay a visit that's all" he explained.

" Who is Hailey?"

He was hesitant at first " Hailey was Zion's Mate"

Mate? It rang in my head.

" His mate, how? I thought you were only allowed to have just one mate So why is his case different?" I was totally confused.

" Because of the high ranker, he is, Zion was blessed with two mates. He can only get the second one only after he loses the first mate to death. He's been through a lot Ella. He might seem ok but my friend isn't ok at all. A lot went on in his life that you have no idea about "

" Stop trying to emotionally guilt trick me. Just let me please " I don't want to listen. These kinds of things will only make me fall harder for Zion. I need to control myself.

Alex raised a hand in surrender "OK fine. Whatever you say"

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