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I was so worried. Zion hasn't come to check on me yet. Could it be that he is angry over what happened earlier? I bite on my nail hoping to hear a knock and nothing comes. The door wasn't locked for the first time.

I would have been so happy knowing that the door was locked free but with everything going on, I don't have the strength to even go outside again. I lay flat on the bed staring at the ceiling.

Then I heard a knock and I practically sprinted to get it. The smile on my face died down when I saw that it was only Kate.

Kate noticed too "It seems you aren't happy to see me "

I shook my head "Of course I am. Come in"

She walked into the room but still hoped I could elaborate more on my moody face " Did something happen?"

I nodded then went to hug her " I'm not happy Kate. I've been so lonely since you left and Zion is also a different case. He doesn't have my time too"

We pulled away. Kate was worried "What happened " She held my hand and directed us to the bed.

We sat comfortably on it " There is this lady that came to visit "

" You mean Sandra? " She said

" Oh you've heard too"

Kate rolled her eyes " You are like this because of her? Miss Ella, that lady doesn't own Alpha Zion's heart. You are the one he wants "

" But it doesn't look like that anymore. He's been avoiding me " I pouted.

" He must be busy" she stayed.

I scoffed " As if. Zion treats me like a normal person now unlike the first time I got here "

She wiggled her brows at me " I thought this was what you wanted at first? You always drive him away so why are you complaining now? "

I huffed " You think I like him? Oh please"

She chuckled " But your reaction says otherwise"

" Stop it already Kate. I don't like him so leave me alone " I said with a pout.

" Then, in that case, you shouldn't be annoyed with him not coming to see you I'm very sure you thought he was the one knocking on the door and when you saw that I was the one, your expression changed."

I didn't utter anything because she was right. Kate let out a sigh " You are falling for the Alpha Miss Ella "

" Of course, I'm not "

" Stop being in denial. You like him and he likes you too"

" But he doesn't like me. He hasn't come to see me over what happened at the dining " I told her.

" What happened at the dining?"

I told Kate everything without missing a point. She was surprised when I mentioned Xander and surprisingly he was on my side.

" Xander said those words?"

I nodded " He did, imagine my surprise too. "

" Don't trust him so soon. He might have a motive behind that " she said and I couldn't agree less.

" I thought so too"

Kate is a blessing to me and I appreciate our friendship. Having someone like her to talk to about this issue made me feel much better. I feel lighter and happy.

" So guess what !" She squealed all of a sudden.

I raised a brow" What is it?"

" I got a new job and this one is better than the other one I got. The pay is also ok. But the only issue is, I'll be staying more in the human world. My coming to the pack will be to visit." She explained happily.

I was happy and at the same time, I was sad. I'm happy. She'll have better pay and I'm sad because she'll be far from me. She's the only one I can call my friend in this pack.

" Good for you"

Kate gave me a confused face " Aren't you happy for me ?"

" Of course, I am happy for you"

" But you don't seem happy"

I huffed " I'm not happy "

" But why?"

" You'll be leaving and I'll be left alone "

" But I'll always come to visit and Alpha Zion is also here " she stated.

" It's not the same having you here. I need a friend I can talk to, someone I'll cry out my problems to. I need my friend" I said

Kate smiled " I'm your friend?"

I gave her a look " Of course, you are."

" Thank you so much for considering someone like me a friend," she said happily.

" Why are you making it seem like a big deal? I've always seen you as a friend since the first time so don't be surprised"

" Thanks, a lot. It's so rare to see a high-ranker building up a friendship with a maid. This is the first " she said like it was a big deal.

I was surprised " Really ?"

She nodded " Yes "

" But you are leaving so soon" I pouted.

" I promise you won't be lonely. I have someone I can introduce you to"

I was cut by surprise " Who is that? I hope she's someone I can trust and work with ?"

Kate smiled " You'll love her at first sight "

I shrugged "OK then. Wouldn't mind meeting her soon then "

I sat back on the bed. We were quiet for a while then an idea struck "Uhm, Kate?"

She turns to me " Yes ?"

" Do you know much about Zion Ex?"

" You mean Miss Hailey?" She asked confused.

I nodded " Yes her"

" What is it about her ?"

" How was her relationship with Zion and with that of her sister "

Kate was reluctant to talk " Do you want to know ?"

I nodded " Of course"

" Miss Hailey was a kind-hearted person. She was Alpha Zion's best friend at first before they both later found out that they were mates. She loved him so much that she never wanted to see Zion sad. But then again she was battling this disease that was eating her up silently" She paused.

" She hid it from people around her even from Alpha Zion. In her opinion, she doesn't want her loved ones to suffer over her. She was always happy."

She seems like a nice person.

" What was her relationship with her sister?" I asked.

Kate's mood changes. She frowned " Miss Sandra is her stepsister"

" They are step sisters ?!" I was shocked.

Kate nodded " Yes they are"

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