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" It's better you sleep and stop thinking of ways to escape. The doors are locked"

I rolled my eyes. Do they also read the mind or something? Do I need to be careful with how I think about things?

" Good night," I said and rolled to my side of the bed.

Zion didn't say anything but I could feel the bed dip as he sat down. He rubbed his two hands together and then cleared his throat.

" I don't want you to see me as your enemy. I'm doing all this for your safety Ella."

I snorted " My safety my foot"

He exhaled " Please stop making it hard for me. I'm trying to make you see reasons"

I got up tired of listening to his lies " Cut the bullshit, Zion. Just end all this craziness!"

" I can't. It's already too late to stop. The moment I find my mate, my enemies begin their search and I can't be on the loose. I need to be as ready as anything" he explained but it still makes no sense to me.

" Just cut the crap" I hissed then went back to sleep. I blocked whatever he was saying and allowed sleep to consume me.

Tomorrow is another day, we'll talk about it.



I couldn't sleep. All I can think of right now is Ella, I need to see her. I need to apologize. My phone has been ringing countless times. I checked the caller ID and wasn't surprised to see that it was Ella's mom.

She's been calling severally and I feel ashamed to pick up the call. I took a deep breath and then picked it up.

" Good evening Miss Susan" I greeted.

" How are you dear? "

" I'm fine, thanks for asking. "

There was a pause "Okay, I've been trying Ella's line but she isn't picking up, I hope all is well over there?"

I forced a smile even though she couldn't see me " Yes we are fine. Ella is asleep already. She's spending a night in my place "

" oh okay"

I'm sure she still finds it suspicious.

" Don't worry Miss Susan, we had a lot to drink so Ella passed out first " I lied.

" ok, please take care of my daughter. I'm trusting you with this" she said.

I felt so guilty that I wished the call had ended sooner" I'll bring her back home to you safe and sound"

" Thanks a lot, dear. I'm holding you on this"

" Please have a night's rest. You have nothing to worry about "

I ended the call with a loud breath I didn't know I was holding. My hands were trembling as I thought of what to do next. I just lied to her! What am going to do now?

I heard a knock on the door so I went to get it. Alex stood by the doorstep shirtless. I gasped not liking the look of things.

" Alex?"

He was sweating and I knew he had the dream again.

"  I need you right now Stella," he said and claimed my lips instantly.

Alex pushed the door behind us and directed us inside. I couldn't push him away because I also needed this right now. He kissed me hard just the way I liked it. I moaned into his mouth.

This had been going on between Alex and me for a while now. He comes to me when he needs help and I do so for him. It was more like friends with benefits thing but this was kept between him and him. No one else knows about it except Zion.

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